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( There's a dream I get from time to time.

In it, I’m in an old manor in Orkney, one I’ve hardly ever known.

I run through it.

I feel lost,

and every room is empty.

I scream and shout for help,

unnerved and


when suddenly…

…this voice reaches me.

It guides me

towards a secret, well-hidden place.

A hand beckons me inside.

I take it, and… 

Mother says every dream has meaning.

I don’t dare ask her about this one.

It feels too intimate, too personal.

And that hand reaching out to me…

…is so comforting. )

[ mordred gets out of bed yay! ]


( Since Arthur left on a quest a few weeks ago,

Camelot has felt rather quiet. 

I don’t doubt that my uncle’s feats are awesome to behold.

I wish I could’ve accompanied him.

Even if…

…I have to become stronger

to win his trust, his regard,

and be worthy of fighting by his side. 

Even if…

…it’s terribly hard. )


You really do have the basics down pat. I mean it. 

But you’re going to have to build up some strength if you want to hold your own against an enemy assault.

If you fall to heavy blows like that, you’re a dead man.


( Sir Brunor agreed to help me during his daily training.

To grant me a bit of his time, so to speak. 

His style is quite unorthodox, which does bother me a little, but he gives good advice.

So every morning, I meet him here to…

“build up some strength”. 

…This man is distracting. )


Pray, Sir Brunor,

do cover up some. 

You wouldn’t want to appear indecent, would you? 


Sir Aglovale, always in such high spirits first thing in the morning.


I’m only instructing you in matters of proper decorum.

Obviously it isn’t your area of expertise. 


Clearly it’s not.

What about it? 


 ( ...It’s true that Sir Brunor can be a bit of a boor from time to time.

His upbringing has some gaps in it.

He tends to go fetch what he needs himself…

( Brunor : I’m going to get myself a cup, anyone want anything? )

…even if it’s servant's work.

It seems to bother Sir Aglovale quite a bit. 

Since he recovered, he hasn’t stopped picking fights with Brunor about it. 

I can understand that, but

his self-important airs are really getting on my nerves.

But sometimes… 

I catch a glimpse of a gentler expression on his face, which reminds me of…

…I miss him.

I don’t even know why, really.

I wonder, does he think of me as well? )


I wonder what Mordred’s doing…

I hope he’s alright.

( We left Mount Tombe at dawn.

Going back to Hoel’s home was…


A grieving father, who could not even bury his daughter…

Then Dame Viviane insisted we spent the night in her own home, in Broceliande. )


I’ll bringyou to Camelot through faster ways than the usual ones.

But you must rest first.


( She took us underwater,

into her castle.

That place was baffling to me. )

[Percival : We’re underwater! Underwater!]

( I walked around the whole place, fascinated, while Dame Viviane cared for the others. 

…Maybe I ran away to not have to think about all of this anymore, actually. )

I wish I could’ve done better… )


Lancelot, please.

All I want is an explanation.


You must have one for your lengthy absence…? 

You owe me that much. 


Thank you, my love. 

The weather’s getting colder as Samhain grows closer, dear Guinevere. 


It's true, the Great Hall can get a bit chilly.

I am all the more grateful for your help with audiences, then.


I admire your ability to carry them out with such undivided attention.

I lack my seneschal’s patience, I’m afraid.

As it were, I left him to handle my duties during my stay here, like a bad regent.

[ caption : kings who left their seneschal to handle their duties during their stay in camelot 🤡 ]


I always take over audiences in Arthur’s absence.

You can understand that Kay does not have the patience required for them.


What a surprise. 


Very well, let’s begin!

[ a mysterious figure enters ]


What an entrance!

Please introduce yourself, dear subject,

and tell us why you came.


My queen, I fear

that you may be in grave danger.


Dreams are considered to be omens, each on their own scale.

Arthur, 11yo

I dreamed a ginormous snake came to eat my shoes!


It’s a sign of great change, it’s not uncommon at your age. ( You’ll probably need to change shoes soon. )

Druids are well-versed in their interpretation, and while not every dream is an augur, they all have meaning.


Dreams are also a way to heal, so sleep well, kids.

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