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I remember, last time…

I’ll finish

what I started!

[ he tries to grab the grail. ]

( I…

I can’t touch it? )

Galahad, I⎯


How dare you?!

How dare you make that decision without asking me how I feel about it?


 I… I don’t want to make you⎯


Stop it!

All of you stop keeping me from making my own choices!

You don’t know what’s good for me any better than I do!

We both have to think this over!


It’s true. I’m sorry…


Wait, you couldn’t touch it?

The Grail won’t let itself be taken…?

( Ouch! )




I need a bit of a break.

We’ll discuss this later.


Sir Bors.

Merlin gave me an unguent for your hands.


Thank you… Will you help me apply it?


Of course.

[ he sits down in front of bors. ]

It’s not pretty.

I barely even touched one of those golden weapons, and it was really painful.

You held one for a pretty long time, it could leave some scars.


It probably will. 


Merlin shared one of his guesses with me while he was preparing the unguent.

He told me those objects probably represent each of the death blows the wraiths received,

given shape by the Grail to bring them back to life.

He recognized the two other knights who attacked us.

One succumbed to a disease of the heart…

The other… killed themselves.

As for Lionel⎯


I ran my sword right through his heart.



You must have questions.


Yes, more than one.


You can ask them.


I don’t know anything.

About this land, about you…

I don’t know why you’re part of the Round Table, even though your kingdom is no more.

And I don’t know…

…why you killed your brother.


When I was a child, Germanic tribes invaded Gaunes.

Lionel and I were made prisoners of war, since we were its heirs.

One of the tribes’ chieftain trained us to serve him.

But one day…

…we were presented with an opportunity to escape.

Lucky for us, we met Viviane.

She always kept an eye on conflicts near her home.

She took us in and raised us

alongside Lancelot.

And we ended up joining the Round Table.

Lionel… was quite different from me,

perhaps as much as Lamorak is unlike Aglovale.

We argued often,

sometimes about my lack of ambition when it came to taking back our lands in Gaunes.

He remembered very little of it, and I could only think about what we went through there.

I believe he developed resentment and bitterness, the depths of which I wouldn’t have guessed at. 

Some four years ago, now…

We were on our way to meet up with Lancelot when we got into an argument and went our separate ways.

I don’t even remember what it was about.

But when I rode back to him…



Come and help me!

[ bors unsheathes his sword ]


Help me! 


The chivalric code is clear.

A knight must protect the defenseless above all.

Even now, I believe it to be right.

I found Lionel again later.


Lio, are you alright?

You did well, damn it…

They gave me some trouble too, but I managed to rescue the damse⎯


Don’t touch me.

Do you hold such contempt, such hatred towards me

that you’d rather leave me to die than come and help me?

Good thing Lancelot got there, or else I’d be dead!


There was a young woman who needed protecting, I⎯


I needed you too, Bors!

I needed you to help me!

When you act like this, when will you understand

that you’ve never protected anyone!


Lionel, don’t!


Lionel, it’s not…

It’s unbecoming of a knight to let things come to blows.

The code⎯


Fuck the code!


Lionel, don’t say that!


If you care so much about your code, Bors…

Then I challenge you to a duel!

As a knight, you can’t refuse a challenge, can you?!


( In hindsight… I should have refused. )

Very well, then. Let’s settle this now.

( Perhaps I thought, naively, that it would only be another quarrel. 

I was on edge too.

Our blows were much more violent than a simple fight warranted.

And I… )

I don’t remember everything.

But the clash of our unsheathed swords…

I’d never heard it so clearly before.

We had our disagreements, but

I loved my brother.

Even now, the fact that such a stupid fight…

…that the blood going to our heads ended up like this…

It makes me think that even a speck of dust

can become a landslide, and destroy everything along its path.

[ cut back to the listebros’ southern retreat ]


Hello, Aglovale.


Bathing is very important, but its customs differ depending on one’s status and circumstances.

Commoners and traveling knights bathe in rivers, while nobles have private or public bathrooms, also called steam rooms.

Steam rooms are open to all genders and places to mingle : one can eat, relax, wash themselves, let themselves be shaved or cared for… 

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