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I think we should talk.


 [ sighs ] 

I just came back from my quest, I need some rest.

If you’re only here to be unpleasant,

there’s no need for us to have this conversation.


I want to apologize

…for being so…

disrespectful, last time we talked.

I shouldn’t have humiliated you as I did.

But I don’t regret going on this quest without your say-so.

I got to help Tristan, I belonged there.

I’m not a child anymore, you know.


[ sighs ] 

If I’d known all of this would happen, I never would have let Dinadan take you on a quest last year.


He wouldn’t have had to if you’d taken me out of Camelot.

[ he steps towards her. ]

You brought me here with so many promises…

If all you meant to do was leave me on the sidelines while you went out questing, you should have left me in Orkney,

or taken me to Lothian. Perhaps Mother would eventually have been glad to have me by her side. 


Mother loves you deeply, don’t ever doubt it.

…I wanted to give you a chance to be a squire, since you wanted to be a knight so badly.

But not everyone ends up being a knight.

I don’t think it’s your fate.


That’s not what Dinadan thinks.


I love Dinadan, but I don’t think he has any say whatsoever on the matter.


And yet, I’ve seen a lot more with him these past few months

than I have with you since I became your squire.

[ he reaches out for her. ]


You’re worried about me, is that it?

You’ve seen squires return from their quests in a sorry state, when they returned at all…

You’re afraid the same thing will happen to me.

I’ve proven myself, though. Even Arthur decided to give me a chance.

There’s no reason for you to⎯


That’s not it.

It’s not…


If you won’t give me an explanation, I

have no reason to stay with you.

Other knights would be happy to⎯


Do you think this has been easy for me?

To watch you get all starry-eyed when we talked about knighthood, ever since you were little? 

To see you moon over Arthur’s exploits, or mine?

I wish you’d never been put on the path to knighthood.


All you have to do is treat me as you would any squire and⎯


I can’t!



I indulged you again and again…

First as my page, then as my squire, but…

I can’t do this anymore, Mordred.

Even if Arthur is in favor of knighting you,

I cannot approve of it, because

you’re the subject of one of Merlin’s prophecies.

It says…

…that you’ll become a knight, and…

…bring about the end of the Round Table. 

[ cut to the grail squad ]


Ah, so there is an early bloom.


Merlin, didn’t you say the Grail quest was of the utmost importance?

Must we stop for every shrub that catches your interest?


The quest won’t go anywhere without me, so I get to make that call.

[ silence ]


I’m kidding.

But it’s important. This is elderberry.

If anything happens, you’ll be glad I have some in store, Bors.


( We left Camelot pretty quickly.

Neither Galahad nor Bors behaved any differently from their usual selves.

As far as I know, Aglovale did have a talk with Bors about the Grail,

and what makes Galahad a potential Grail bearer. 

I don’t dare ask them about it.

Our pursuit of the Grail led us all the way to Benwick.

Last time I came here,

I didn’t really get to meet the locals.

Luckily, Sir Bors translates everything for us. )

[ bors asking questions in french a strange, vile tongue ]


Which part of Benwick are you from, Sir Bors?


I’m from Gaunes. It’s the eastern part of Benwick…

…well, it was.


Does Gaunes no longer exist? Why is that?


You could say the Germanic invasions threw the lines of succession into disarray.

That’s why I’m also known as Bors the Exile,

because I was exiled from the lands that should have been mine.

This said…

You could help me translate, Merlin. You speak French too.


It’s important to practice one’s mother tongue, kid. You should be thanking me.

I’d like to speak mine from time to time, but I’ve forgotten it entirely. 

[ he combs through his hair. ]

That’s what happens when you have no one to speak it with. 


( To no one’s surprise, traveling with Merlin is quite strange,

but pretty different from anything I could have imagined. 

Surprisingly, he’s a lot more normal than I thought he would be. He tells us a lot of stories and anecdotes, and readily shares his knowledge with us. )


There was this one time with Arthur,

and that time with the dragons…


( There’s something ancient about him…

Something unchanging. )

Oh, that’s it!

I know what your scent reminds me of.


( What a weird thing to tell someone. )


Merlin, you smell like oak bark.


Must be because I turn into a tree sometimes!


( What a weird thing to tell someone. )


I’m also famous for my shapeshifting, you know!


Oh, really? 







Are you certain there’s really no other way to deal with the Grail? 

I can’t let Galahad⎯


I’m never certain what you ought or ought not do.

Time often shows that what we take for granted is really unfounded.

That other options exist, but are never considered.

That’s why I asked you to research this.

I understand, though.

You’ve found yourself in a situation in which you didn’t have a choice,

and now you’re thinking that it’s all your fault.

Pellam’s heart was going to give out sooner or later, I can tell you that much.

All you did was hasten the inevitable. 

You can choose to confront it now, or leave it for later,

but there may be no later to speak of.



That look in your eyes…

It’s the look of one who shoulders a heavy burden.

I will tell you now what I once told someone else, then.

Whatever you decide, I will be by your side…

…whether you know it or not.

You aren’t alone.




( Heh. )


I believe we’re nearing our goal. 


Elderberry is traditionally associated with death : druids carve its woods into items to converse with the souls of the departed.

Elderberry is first and foremost a medicinal plant, though, used to treat fever, coughs, and flu-like conditions. 

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