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Sometimes, I wonder

if all this anger is ever going to fade.

If I’ll ever be satisfied

with myself and with others.

I resent myself so much when I fail

and others when they succeed.

When Percival told me he wanted to be like Tristan and become his squire…

I was enraged.

I was so happy to see him again, to teach him everything I knew…

that to be so bluntly rejected only made me feel

like I wasn’t good enough. 

For the longest time, I hated Tristan for being good at everything

and making it look effortless.

But in the end…

It's myself I'm frustrated with.

I’m not strong enough.

I want to be the best, the one everybody relies on, but…


Why is it not enough to be a good knight?

Besides, my father was an excellent knight, but

when I think of him, I see a father, not a warrior. 

But unlike him, outside of knighthood,

I am nothing.

With this body I hate,

my life, that of a glory-seeking fool

and this frantic quest for great deeds to tack onto my name.

Still, I remain in the shadow of my betters

and it drives me mad. 



“You know, being a good knight isn’t the same as being the strongest.”

“The chivalric code does not dictate you should vanquish every single thing that comes your way.”

“A good knight is one who sincerely wishes to bring justice where others have abused their power,

regardless of the scale of their actions or the glory they may get out of their deed.” 

"They fight for dignity in the name of the oppressed."


What, is that it?

You were pretty entertaining up until now, but

for someone who’s beaten so many knights…

Just a scratch and you keel over.

How pathetic.

I don’t even want to give you a good death.

Don’t feel too bad about it.

Your little friends probably had some coward’s strategy up their sleeves to kill their own giants.

Yours was brave, at least, even if it was stupid.


( I’ve got to think about this,

and figure out a way to work with ground that⎯ )


…You know,

it’s funny you didn’t mention the giants Tristan killed.

You must not know there were several.

And among those he slew,

the giant of Ynys Môn, in Wales

was killed with my help. 

In a way, that’s the only giant killing I can take credit for.

So believe me…

I’m ready to fix that mistake,

and add your death to my feats.

For glory, but first and foremost

to avenge the humans you slaughtered at your own whims.

If I croak here,

I promise you, I’ll take you with me.

KAY : 

Alright, you there yet?


It’s still too far!

KAY : 

You inherited your father’s short arms.

Come on, try harder.


I’m doing my best! 

KAY : 


We wouldn’t be here if Arthur had simply listened to me.

“I’m not six anymore, Kay,” “I don’t need to tie my sword to my belt, Kay”!

Which one of us was right, huh?


I’m losing my balance!

KAY : 

Don’t be like him and listen to your brothers sometimes, hm?

You’ll thank them later.

[ percy grazes excalibur’s scabbard ]

KAY : 


You alright up there? 



KAY : 

Don’t worry about it, these things happen. 

Go on, hurry up, we’ve got to move.


I’m going to have to stand on your shoulders, I think⎯

KAY : 

Of course you are. 

Go ahead, I’ve got you.

Is this alright? 



I just need to⎯



Look what we have here.

That’s unexpected.

A little pest climbing up the walls.

I can’t let that slide.


The hunt for the giants in Britain lasted six years, and officially came to a stop twenty years ago.

Arthur : 

Out of my lands, you massive parasites!

However, there were some survivors, namely those who were already living on the fringes of their society, like the giant of Ynys Môn.

When they make themselves known, they become prime targets for the Round Table.

It’s funny to note that when Tristan and Lamorak fought their giant, Percival was some thirty kilometers away from the battlefield.

Percival : 

Mother, there’s a ruckus on Ynys Môn.

Briane : 

Probably some angry fisherman.

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