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cw for one instance of misgendering ( quickly corrected! )



my loves.





You’ve changed a lot, sweetheart.


Lamorak is a man, Mother.


Ah, I see…

…He’s changed even more than I imagined, then.

But you look very strong, how dashing⎯


What are you doing here? 

Why have you come? 


[ hoarse breathing ]



Do you really think that I⎯

that we want to see you?


Please, stay calm.


Stay calm?! 

She left out of her own free will!

Are there no consequences for that?!


It’s not what you th⎯

[ coughs some more ]


She left us behind and didn’t look back!

Should I act like I’m happy to see her?!

Like nothing ever happened?!

[ aglovale’s coughing keeps getting worse rip ]




[ cut to breuse and pal’s fight ]


( Without my armor, I’ve got to be much more careful than he is.

His confidence makes him much more dangerous. I have to find⎯ )


Quiet as always, aren’t you? 

That said, I wouldn’t have much to say either,

if I ended up being the fifth wheel on the cart again and again. 


( He’s trying to get under your skin. 

[ she steps back. ]

Focus. To disarm him, I’d have to force him into a tight spot. 

Aim for his weakest points, without dishonoring myself. )


Does Iseult know, at least?

That you spend all your free time wishing you were in Tristan’s role? 

That kicked puppy look you get when you watch them is hard to miss.


You must spy on the daily happenings of Tintagel pretty often, to come to such conclusions.

I wonder why that is? 



Because I’m a creep.


( Ew. )


What? Everyone knows I’m capable of the lowest of the low. What’s your excuse for peeping on them every chance you get?

Maybe you’re a creep too, in the end.


Shut up!

[ she goes in for a hit ; he dodges out of her way and hits her back. ]


Poor, poor Palamedes.

Always left behind, always replaced by another. 

By Tristan more often than not, it must be said.

Unwanted Palamedes.

[ speaking of tristan… ]


So? What are you doing here?


What do you mean to do with me, exactly?

What punishment should I expect?


I mean to disown you.

You can go beg at Arthur’s door, since you love him so much.

But you’ll stay in my service.

After all, it is in your best interest, if you wish to keep seeing Iseult.

Her place is on the throne. She and I have discussed it before. 

If she doesn’t return, she will have to be brought back, willing or not. 


I don’t believe you’ll stop at that.

I’ve seen what you do to those who oppose you.


[ sighs ] Oh, don’t be dramatic.

You’re my nephew, not a lord plotting for a coup d’etat.


you have something to confess?


… So this is where we’re at, isn’t it?

It’s my turn to be honest, I see. 

I’ve had time to think too, while I was locked away.

About your accusations, about what I did wrong…

I was overly confident… both in myself, and in you,

and I crossed the line, I’ll admit to that much.

By thinking of my happiness with Iseult first and foremost, I’ve been brazen, neglectful.

I should have given you more consideration.

I undoubtedly shouldn’t have treated my being your heir as a certainty, either.

I never think about the consequences.

I was naive to think that you would overlook my behavior out of love for me.


I’ve done so for long enough, haven’t I? 

There’s a limit to everything.


What I meant to say is,

I was naive to think you loved me. 


I… beg your pardon? 


Was it love

when you knighted me at thirteen to defend you against Morholt of Ireland?

You were ready to sacrifice me to save yourself, all because you acted on a whim in his presence. 

Seems like impulsivity runs in your side of the family.

Or should we talk about the rebellions instead? 

You blame me for naming myself a knight of Lyonesse,

when you sent me to deal with your business in other kingdoms,

at a time where being of Cornwall was a stain on one’s name,

because of a rebellion you chose to take part in.

I’ve always risked my life for you,

but have you, even once, shown any concern for my safety, my honor,

or even the way I felt about it all?

You accuse me of needing funds again and again, but am I not your servant, before I am Arthur’s? 

I’ve sacrificed much for my duty, so forgive me, uncle…

… if I refrain from praising you for doing what I thought was yours!

You’re hurt, you’re angry,

but so am I!

You nurture your resentment for Arthur, and you were not pleased when I joined the Round Table…

But it was the best thing I could do to work towards a truce between the two of you.

And you… you can only see it as malice on my part.

You cannot imagine, even for a moment, that my certainty that I’ll inherit your throne,

or that you’ll accept Iseult and I’s affair, are signs of my trust in you and your affection for me.

We’ve been selfish, guided by our passion,

and I’m sorry for the pain we’ve inflicted upon you…

…but you seem unable to see it as a thoughtless act,

or see the sincerity and affection I have for you, despite my regrets.

No, you cannot envision for a single moment that I could do anything out of love for you…

… because deep down, you’re afraid I’m using you as you’re using me. 


How dare you?

As if I never sacrificed anything for you, I…

You’re going to, you…

With Morholt, it was…

… Ugh. 

You’re going to go back to your cell, right now.


Farewell, uncle.





Until recently, Ireland’s influence over Cornwall still lingered, weakened though it had been by time.


A tribute to pay, again…

The death of knight and emissary Morholt of Ireland sparked some hostilities, which ended up resolving into negotiations, then an alliance. 

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