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Won’t you stay in bed, Guinevere?


I only feel a little dizzy, it’ll pass.

And you’ve got better things to do than to stay by my side, so hurry.

Who are we still waiting on for the knighting ceremony?


Some guests from Gore, others from Sorestan…

The knights-to-be are already here.


Oh, is Galahad here already?


Yes, Lancelot escorted her.

…Would you like me to send her your way… ?



At this rate, she’ll spend more time in my bed than you do.

Besides, you couldn’t join us,

given the… tension between the two of you, among other things. 


That I do know. 


…Talk to me, Arthur.

Tell me what’s going on.


I’m sorry, my love, I…

I have a lot on my mind.

Gawain just got here this morning, and she’s so upset by this whole situation…


Understandably so…



Tell me…

Did you perchance receive a letter? 


A letter?

From who? 


…It’s nothing, I…

Gawain told me…

…It matters not.


It seems to me you’ve been preoccupied for a while, my dear.

Would you like us to take some time and talk about it…?


I must return to my duties.

But… soon.

We’ll talk about it. I promise.


All right, everything’s ready.


I would’ve liked to attend the funeral too.


I know, my sweet. 

But I’ll rest easier knowing you’re with Viviane.

Alright, where’s Percival? 


He’s in his room.

He’s been in there for a while, too.

I tried to talk to him earlier, to get him to accompany me on my morning walk, but…

I’m afraid his melancholy is so strong it keeps him bedridden.

He didn’t even answer me.



 You should go talk to him. 




He holds you in high esteem, that much is obvious to me.


You’ve got some wisdom to share with him in this situation, don’t you? 


[ he looks to the stairs leading up to percy’s room. ]


We’re leaving at noon. You really should get ready.

[ silence. ]

I genuinely believe it’s important for you to be there.

To see the ceremony, and…

You don’t have to worry about your coronation right now.

Cardiff’s seneschal can keep things running for a few more months.

Ah! It’s true, I’m sorry…

This can’t be very comforting at all. (I was tactless.)

But we can go hunting together,

and go on some quests together still! 

[ sighs ]

…When I was eight years old…

…my father took his own life.

I don’t have all the details.

“Your father left, he won’t come back.” That’s all my uncle told me. 

I’ll always be grateful to him for trying to protect me…

But the truth was, I knew full well what had happened.

And I couldn’t help but feel guilty.

You see, I never knew my mother.

She died birthing me.

So I was torn between two different emotions.


Was I not enough?

Was my mere existence not reason enough to live in my father’s eyes? 

That… and guilt. 

It’s my fault.

It’s all because of me.

I wasn’t good enough.

He was disappointed in me.

I remained stuck in that state of mind for a long time, blaming myself

and blaming him. 

Throwing myself into other pursuits just to forget about it,

so I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. 

So I could bottle this pain away and wait for it to pass. 

I know what you’re thinking, Percival. 

You think it’s your fault. The Grail’s doing, and yours. 

But I know there’s nothing more destructive than thinking about 

what you could’ve done differently. 

So, I beg of you…

Don’t convince yourself that everything is your fault.




Come on.

Go and get ready. I got your horse saddled up already.

And I’ll be with you the whole way, to take your mind off things.


( It’s such a strange feeling.

The world keeps turning, even though everything stopped for you. 

This feeling of powerlessness, of unfairness… 

I wish I could sleep.

Sleep until all this pain fades away.

It’s so hard to keep going,

to keep walking forward. 

Maybe someday, I’ll want to.

Maybe I’ll want to go forward without this pressure. )


I knight thee, Mordred of Orkney.


( Without these thoughts kicking up a storm in my head. 

Without this voice haunting me, asking what if?

What if I’d done differently? )


I knight thee, Galahad of Corbenic. 


( Maybe then, my life can resume its course…

Maybe then… 

Maybe then I can become a version of myself who won’t be ashamed anymore. 

A better person.

Someone who’s at peace. )

To be continued…


This is the end of season two! But not to worry!

Gradalis will be back with season three!

I can’t say when exactly just yet…

I’d like to thank Crash, who composed this episode’s soundtrack!

[ patreon patrons ]

and Don Lee for their help with editing!

If you’d like more Gradalis content, don’t hesitate to check out my social media (http://kochei.carrd.co)

Results for the popularity contest!

#1 Aglovale

#2 Dinadan

#3 Percival

#4 Mordred

#5 Merlin

#6 Lamorak

#7 Gawain : Ah ah…?? I-it’s only natural for me to rank so high! (< woman who is Not Well. )

#8 Tristan : I’m not on the podium this time, but Aglovale deserves it!

#9 Galahad : Sir Palamedes and I are better ranked than last time!

#10 Palamedes : gasp!!

#11 Bedivere & Kay : 

Bedivere : Truly, do not separate. 

Kay : That’s marriage for you. 

#12 Brunor : Rest in peace, big girl.

#13 Fifi 

#14 Morgan : Do take my quest for justice into account.

#15 Bors : ( A little more at peace than before. )

#16 Arthur : just happy to be here

#17 Guinevere, Iseult & Viviane : in the middle of a very important conversation

#18 Breuse & Lancelot

Breuse : Team errant knights!

Lancelot : Don’t touch me. 

Honorable mentions : 

Mimi the kitchen cat

NPC knight

Magret the aptly-named duck 




A literal pet shop.

Thank you all for your votes!

See you in season 3! 

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