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turn volume on for this episode! (no jumpscares, i promise)

KAY : 


[ kay and arthur look through the rubble ]




What is it now? 

You really can’t go five minutes without me, can you? 





Slow down, you absolute madman, my ribs hurt…

KAY : 

Yeah, go on, mock me if you will.


I thought we’d lost you…

Any broken bones, you two?

KAY : 

I’m fine. 


Oh, I think it'll take us a good long while to recuperate, but… I’m alive, with all the pain that comes with it. 

Can’t say the same about the giant. 


Ah, I can feel the blood in my veins again!

So we aren’t so rusty after all! 





What was that for?! 


Bloody hell, don’t get started.

KAY : 

For not listening to me!

I told you to tie Excalibur to your belt, didn’t I?


If I had to count every single time you ordered me to do something and⎯



Is everything alright?



Please, I should be the one asking you!

How are the others, was anyone hurt?


Lamorak and Tristan were wounded.

The others…will recover in time. 

Good evening, Arthur. 

[ hug!! ]


…Such a show of affection isn’t like you…

I thought you’d be furious.


Oh, believe me, after months without any news from you, I am furious.


I’m also very glad to see you,

and Guinevere will be even more so.

KAY : 

Back to Camelot we go.

Hang in there, lad.

Maybe Morgan will know how to heal you.


I’ll stay with him.


Of course. 


He’ll be alright. 

I’ve seen him walk off worse injuries than this.


How can you be so sure? 


I’m not.

But if you go in expecting the worst,

then you might as well give up then and there, right? 


…Do you think that what’s troubling you is going to get better?

You seem preoccupied,

and you keep sneaking glances at Sir Lancelot. 


…Well, it’s… 

( Lancelot : 

So Lionel vanished after all…

Dinadan : 

Yeah. )

…It’s complicated.


Sir Tristan came by to apologize before you got here, to say he was sorry about his behavior on the way here. ( You know, when he was being a prick. )

I don’t know what prompted it.

Maybe it was seeing Lamorak in this state.

But he told me… 

“Each and every one of us could have died today,

and I don’t like the idea that we could’ve parted on such bitter terms.

I’d rather make up for these things now than live with my regrets.” )


…That’s true.

There’s always hope things will get better. 


Off on your own looking at that little island, where Elaine’s remains lay…

Are you afraid of Hoel's reaction? 


To have to tell a father about the death of his child

is sadly as difficult a task as it is common.

I’ve done it so many times I’ve got a whole speech ready. 

…I’m thinking about that giant, actually.

He was ready to sacrifice anything in the name of revenge,

to annihilate me entirely.


Are you perchance feeling sorry for him?

Having some compassion, perhaps?


Maybe I would, if he hadn't reaped what he sowed. 

I’m mostly thinking about those who may wish for the same.

Those consumed by their desire for revenge…

…and ready to destroy the world in pursuit of their goal.

I fear for the future, Viviane. 


You aren’t the only one, Arthur.

Merlin came to me

and asked me to lend you my help.

He told me…

“I would have liked to give Arthur a hand myself, but my presence is required in Camelot.

I can’t very well let Arthur come home to ruins.” 


Camelot is in danger?!

What about Guinevere? 



That’s all he told me.

You know how he is.

…He also explained what happened with the Grail.

I think

that there is much for us to do in that regard. 

But not right now.

Go home, Arthur. Answer that mad druid’s call. 

I’ll teach those who seek the Grail everything I can.

But for now… 

All of you ought to rest. 

May this journey be your last peaceful haven. 

[ snoring noises ]


He can grumble and curse all he likes…

But he’ll always bend over backwards for them. A true mother hen, I’m telling you. 


It’s not too late to have children, you know. 


You’re kidding, aren’t you? At our age…and with the nine kids we’ve got already? 


…Are you including me in that count? 



Someone has to look after you too. 

Take some of the weight off your shoulders.

That’s our job. 


( I fear for the future,

but I also have great hopes for it.

The kindness we show one another…

…in our imperfections, our weaknesses…

…is what allows us to face it head on. 

Without my knights, there would have been no victory today. 

As long as I can count on them… 

as long as we retain our desire for justice,


and the harmony that binds us

and lets us fight for one another

against a common enemy…

Then every fight will be a trial,

but not an obstacle. ) 

To be continued…


Kochei : 

And that’s a wrap on this season! Thank you for following along the adventure thus far!

Thank you also to Crash for this episode’s soundtrack,

to the members of the “Gradalis Série Audio” Discord server for their support and help

[ many patrons ] for their support on Patreon

and Don LEE, my editor!

The series will go on hiatus for a while before season 2 rolls around! (Holidays!) 

But if you still want some Gradalis content in the meantime, please consider joining me on Patreon for exclusive content (and to support me!) or Twitch to see some live drawing (or gaming!) 

Instagram & Twitter 

Without further ado, let’s move on to the results of the popularity contest! 

#1 Dinadan

#2 Tristan

#3 Percival

#4 Mordred

#5 Lamorak : in an alternate universe, all this sudden recognition pulled Lamorak from his coma with a mighty Super Saiyan Scream(tm).

#6 Bedivere : We ranked higher than Arthur hehe

#7 Kay : He’s never gonna hear the end of that.

#8 Merlin : Hehe, I couldn’t have predicted that!

#9 Gawain : It’s a pleasure to be by your side, uncle.

#10 Arthur : Likewise, my dear niece. <3 

#11 Aglovale and Lancelot : “Didn’t expect I’d end up on Sir Lancelot's level.” “Not used to it, are you?”

#12 Kochei : Huh??

#13 Fifi : And Fifi’s not happy to see me…

#14 Galahad and Viviane : You deserve better, honey, but I’m glad you’re here <3 

#15 Brunor and Palamedes : solemn high five. 

#16 The Ewe from Episode 52's trivia : why

#17 : Bors, Breuse, the dragon, the young giant and the NPC knight : “What a weird guy.” [NPC saying some random npc phrases lol]

“Now what?”

[ breuse is shook ] 

Thank you all for your votes!

See you in Season 2! 

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