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[ the first scene is here but since it’s self explanatory it doesn’t need captions ]


How about it, Dinadan?

If you’d known that an inevitable disaster was about to occur…

…what would you have done?


…I know what you’re getting at.

But you’re not going to convince me that’s what's keeping you from doing something about it.


And yet,

I often need more information than what I have. 

Which loved one, what disaster?

By the time I figure it out, everything’s been said and done. Sometimes, I’m not aware of these things at all. I’m not all-knowing.

And sometimes…

…my decision to act

only sets the wheel into motion.


Is that why you’re not doing anything about Morgan?


I don’t know what Morgan’s plotting.


But she is plotting something.


She’s always been plotting something.

She’s a secretive woman, she has her plans.

The last I can remember was a trial for the knights.

As it is, Gawain paid the price for it.


Oh, please, it’s neither innocent nor well-meaning…

…She often goes down to the dungeons.

Brunor and I went too. The mage didn’t give anything up, yes, but it doesn’t mean anything…

…and I’m convinced she’s plotting with Breuse.

MERLIN : Go ahead and confront her, then, Din.

You’re perfectly free to do so, instead of spying on her comings and going

like a creep.


It’s in my plans.

But I, too, prefer to make well-informed decisions.


Always got all the answers up your sleeve, don’t you?


That’s rich, coming from you.


And you’re not telling Kay or Bedivere about it because…?


I tried.


…and they told you not to worry, that you were imagining things. Is that it?


Either I’m imagining things, yes…

…or they have their own reasons to keep me out of this.


[ sighs ]

Your brother was marked by a dullahan.



Why am I…

Why am I only hearing about this now?


Now that you know it, what can you do, except worry yourself sick over him?

That’s why he didn’t tell you.

Sometimes people hide things from those they love to protect them.

You think knowledge is your best ally when it comes to solving problems.

I know it isn’t.

And I also know that it may come back to bite you in the future.



If, despite it all, you’re still curious,

I can only encourage you to do some research.

Britain is an old land, full of knowledge left here and there.


…you shall find what you seek. 

[ cut to tintagel. iseult wakes and sits up ]


Oh, did I scare you? 

Surely it’s because I didn’t sleep…

…You’re sleeping in my bed, after all. 


Uncle, I…

I don’t understand… 

I didn’t…




Will you leave us, my treasure? 

Tristan and I need to talk. 

[ iseult exits the room ]


Since Arthur’s visit, I’ve had time to think.

About this situation of ours, and what he told me. About these things I’d already thought about.

Now, when you’re mulling over something, you may think yourself paranoid. But when someone else says the same thing…

…you tell yourself you’re not so mad about all.

Sit down.

It’s a funny situation we’re in, isn’t it?

I believe I’ve been patient and understanding,

and you have not repaid me,

neither in decency,

nor in discretion.


Uncle, I⎯


Be quiet.

Did you think of me even once, Tristan? Of what my life is like?

Of what I endure as a king on an illegitimate throne?

No, you…

During a conversation, you casually speak of a future where you ascend the throne with Iseult.

You’re not an idiot, Tristan.

You know exactly what you’re saying.

You mean to take my place⎯


Of course not, I⎯


You do! 

You do mean to take my place,

knock Iseult up to assert an ounce of legitimacy

and kick me off the throne, the sooner the better!

I’ve done so much for you, and this is how you repay me?!

I offer Iseult my roof and company,

only to watch her pine after you when you’re gone!

I wait for you for months, and when you return, you’re nowhere to be seen…

…up to your neck in the cleavage of a woman who is - must I remind you?! - officially my wife, for everyone to see!

I sacrifice my reputation, and you sully my sheets without a second thought for my honor!

I raised you! 

After your father’s death, I cared for you, fed you, sheltered you!

Evidently, that’s all I’m good for!

I made you a knight, I funded your travels, your gear, your extravagant lifestyle!

And you give me back nothing but contempt,

indifference, humiliation!

[ mark stops, breathing heavily ]

…We must, of course, find a solution to this.

I need to think it over.

But letting you leave in the meantime is out of the question.

I had the dungeons prepared for you. I hope

it will give you leave to think about this. 

[ cut back to camelot. there’s a knock at the door. ]


…Aglovale, can we talk? 


Like everyone else, knights live in accordance with the rhythm of the seasons.

Some seasons are less favorable to quests in hostile environments, due to weather conditions.


I’m afraid I can’t hold my sword for long in this cold… Plus, my horse can’t cross to the other side of the mountain with all this snow.

The most stubborn among the knights trudge on nonetheless.


If I have to carry my horse myself in order to go, so be it!

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