Spreadsheet Provisioning for SIP Phones

This section will show how to export an xls sheet of the hardware interfaces of the device. Below will also illustrate how to import the spreadsheet as well as change the admin password of the SIP phones.

Exporting a Spreadsheet

1. Navigate to the hardware tab under configuration and identify the options panel. Drop down and find "Spreadsheet" and select "Export"

An xls. spreadsheet will now be downloaded to your PC and you will be able to view the current hardware interfaces in that form.

Importing a Spreadsheet

An exported spreadsheet will list all the hardware interfaces including SIP phones as well as ITA devices. Since we only want to add SIP phones, we will need to edit the spreadsheet accordingly.

1. Delete the rows that are associated to anything other than SIP phones. Below shows a full exported spreadsheet (No editing)

Using the above as an example we need to identify only the SIP phones to be added. Rows 20 and 32 are the SIP phone entries, everything else can be deleted.

Note also that any of the other information of the SIP phones may be deleted and left blank, this will be defaulted upon the import. The essential information to have is the MAC addresses and IP's of the phones. In this example we have left the extension numbers so that they may assign automatically.

An optional feature one can implement if required is to change the admin password of the SIP phones shown below.

2. Scroll to the "AdminPassword" column and choose an appropriate password as shown below or leave the cell blank for it to be default. Save the spreadsheet and navigate back to the GUI.

3. Under configuration, navigate to the Hardware tab. The options panel will drop down, select spreadsheet and "Import" You will be prompted to select the appropriate spreadsheet. Select "Choose file" and upload the spreadsheet. (Tip: Run a scan of the network before importing the spreadsheet)

4. Once the spreadsheet is chosen, select "Accept" the file will upload and show the below.

5. Once selecting accept another prompt will pop showing what has been uploaded, if there are any errors it will make them known in this prompt. If there are no errors, the phones will automatically add themselves to the hardware list.

6. Review/Apply the changes and your SIP phones should be available to interact with. You may the Autoprovision these phones according to the guidelines set out in the previous page.