Inbound calling based on Time conditions

1.5 systems offers the ability to route inbound or outbound calls based on a configured Time Condition or Group.

For inbound routing, this allows inbound calls to be routed via a Time condition, that has been configured with individuals or group calendars. The calendar would have pre-determined events and based on theses events, calls can be routed accordingly.

For outbound routing, this allows outbound calls to be routed via a Time Group, which has being configured with a start and finish time, and during these times the outbound route will only be available.

Inbound calling:

Firstly, ensure you have configured/integrated a calendar. (See on how to configure/set-up a calendar.). Below example is a calendar that has been integrated with public Holidays.

  • Configure a Time Condition and set the Mode to 'calender mode' .
  • Select the configured calendar as the Calendar Group
  • Set the Destination if it matches the event on on the Calendar. (In this case it is the public holiday, in which we will set the destination to an Announcement saying we are closed). Note that 'Destination matches' matches the event on the calendar
  • Set the Destination if it does not match the event on the Calendar.( In this case it is not a public holiday, so we will set destination as the receptionist extension). Note the 'Destination non-matches' matches the non-event times on calendar.

The Time condition can be configured with a specific users personal calendar, which has been integrated in the calendar menu. This calendar could include various events, such as a meeting at 10am to 11am for example, in which the user will be unavailable, the destination matches could then be to another extension or announcement saying user is in meeting for example.

This Time condition would then be configured to a specific inbound route, setting the destination of the inbound route as the time condition. In which any inbound call to this inbound route will route through the above time condition, which is configured in calendar mode.