Tomatosphere (Michael Flores)

Research Question and Hypothesis

Will germination of seeds depend on amount of water given?


HLS-1-3 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis.

Experimental Design

Use peat pellets/pods to germinate the seeds. You will need one peat pellet/pod for each seed planted. This is the best medium for germinating the seeds. Potting soil is usually not as successful.

Because the tomato seeds will normally germinate in 5-7 days, it is recommended that the seeds be planted on a Wednesday or Thursday, and NOT before a holiday Monday. This will allow the students to see some of the germination process taking place the following week.

Try and keep both sets of seeds in a similar location. However, they do NOT require sunlight to germinate and direct sunlight should be avoided. If the air outside the school is cold at night, do not leave the peat pots along the windows unless protected from the cold. Newspaper between the windows and the plants will help.

Carefully label the seeds. They can be randomly placed in one location, but you must know exactly which seeds are which.

Soak the peat pellets for about 20 minutes or until fully saturated.

Individually, press seeds into peat pellets to a depth that is about the same as the length of the seed (2-3 mm).

Keep the peat pellets moist, but not wet. Mist the peat pellets with a spray bottle or add water to the tray in which the peat pellets are located.

Remember to water the peat pellets before leaving for the weekend and as soon as possible upon return..

Record germination information for 3-4 weeks or for 5 days after the LAST seed germinates.

Independent variable

What is the independent variable?

Time and amount of water

How will you measure the independent variable?

In days

Dependent variables

What is the dependent variable(s)?

germination rate

How will you measure the dependent variable(s)?

Successful germination in different pots


Study the number of germinating seeds as a function of time at various water amounts

Constants and Controls

Planting containers



Type of light (Fluorescent )


For a comprehensive list of materials visit this page


Sample procedure: you can create own procedures as this is an investigation/inquiry type lab

    1. Fill 4 plastic cups with 6cm of soil with soil.

    2. Place two H seeds 2.5cm below the soil of two cups, and do the same for the other two seeds.

    3. Place cups in an area that has direct sunlight.

    4. Fill the cups up with a total of 75 ml. of water each week. (15 ml per cup per day)

    5. Record any changes to the plants that occur over the 13 day period.

Sample data and graphs


Analysis & Conclusions

Based off initial data collected the average germination of a seed was about 5-6 days depending on amount of water given daily

Photos & Movies

Tomatosphere photos