Analyze Dams on Rivers (Erango Kelbisow)


Include your name and school affiliation

NGSS Engineering Standards

Include the NGSS engineering standards which are addressed.

NGSS Engineering Standards

PROBLEM - Explain the problem that is to be addressed; DESIGN - Describe what students are to design. Include a description of criteria for success, and constraints; OPTIMIZATION - Specify the process of optimization

Materials needed

List any other materials that are necessary or helpful when using this demonstration device. List constraints.


Provide a step by step procedure that explains the engineering activity


  • Inculde at least three questons (with answers) that you can ask to assess understanding of the principles ilustrated


  • Photos of Engineering Project

  • Photos of real-life application of engineering Concepts


Include movies that you have taken. Your movies should be placed in your youtube account.


Provide links to relevant websites.