Blood Oxygen Percentage (David Bird)

Research Question and Hypothesis:

During continuous exercise does your heart rate plateau? or as the exercise continues does it begin to drop due to familiarity

Does loss of blood oxygen percent continually drop as aerobic exercise continues?


As you exercise your heart rate increases and then it plateaus. After it reaches its maximum heart rate it will start to lower as your body becomes accustom to the continuous exercise

As you exercise you continually use up the oxygen in your blood stream and the

blood oxygen percentage will continue to decrease over time of constant aerobic



Science 5.2.b. Students know how blood circulates through the heart chambers, lungs and body and how carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the lungs and tissues.

Physical Education 7.4.4 Explain the effects of physical activity on heart rate during exercise, during the recovery phase, and while the body is at rest.

Experimental Design:

Three students will have their pulse and blood oxygen percentage recorded before exercise. The same three students will be hopping up and down continually at the same rate. On their fingers will be a Pulse Oximeter. As the students are hopping another student will read their pulse and blood oxygen percentage at 1 minute, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes, and 16 minutes. Two separate graphs will be made. One graph will be heart rate over time and another will be oxygen percentage over time. These graphs will be used to analyze our hypothesis.

Independent Variable:

The independent variable for both experiments will be time. The time intervals for both will be Zero minutes, 1 minute, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes, and 16 minutes

Dependent Variables:

The dependent variables in both of these experiments will be heart rate and blood oxygen percentage


Three female students, their heart rate, and blood oxygen percentage

Constants and Controls:

-Gender of students

-Type of exercise (Hopping)

-Duration of exercise

-Age of students

Blood Oxygen Level


Blood oxygen levels in both students dropped at the 4 minute mark and then increased

-There seems to be a drop at the beginning of the exercise in blood oxygen and then the body catches up.