Stethoscope (Andrew Salg)


Andrew Salg

NGSS Engineering Standards

HS-ETS1-1 Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.

HS-PS2-6 Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials.

HS-PS4-1Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media.

Materials needed

1 Rubber tubing resistance band (medium to low thickness)

1 Walker stopper

1 washer

1/2 of hard plastic cone from resistance tubing

1 rubber band

Upper half of a latex balloon of any color

Scissors or hedge clipper (adult supervision or help may be required)

Eye Protection


Ear bud covers

Super glue


Step 1: Cut the rubber tube to shorter length( about 12 inches). You can cut more if like, but this is a good amount of tubing to allow a person to hear while not having to worry about make more modifications

Step 2: With adult supervision cut the tip of the plastic cone off, and insert the rest of the cone into the tubing with what was the top part of the cone until firmly in place.

Step 3:Cut the bottom of the stopper out with a knife and adult supervision or help. Put the end with the cone through the walker stopper.

Step 4: Place washer on other end of the tube, and insert at the top of the walker stopper. Putting the washer through may be a little tough, but insert at an angle to make it a little bit easier as the angle can be adjusted afterwards.

Step 5: Cut a latex balloon about halfway and stretch over the base of the stopper tightly. This is done much like a making a drum. Hold the ends in place, and take a rubber band and place on the sides of the stopper. Pull the rubber band and bring it back over the stopper until you are sure the band has a tight hold on the balloon and stopper.

Step 6: Put the ear buds on the exposed end of the tube, and secure it with a small amount of super glue


These steps are not necessary, but help the stethoscope look more like modern stethoscopes used.

Step 1: Take extra tubing and cut it. The tubing already being used can be modified. Taking off the head of the stethoscope, and making sure that both tubes measure about 7 inches.

Step 2: A Y connector used mainly in fish tanks can be procured from a pet store. Connect the two tubes to the top points. Make sure each tube has an ear bud attached at the ends to allow both ears to hear hearbeats.

Step 3: Take any remaining tubing, and reapply the head of the stethoscope on this piece. Then insert another ear piece to hear for the heart.

Step 4: Take something that is partially flexible like a straw and tape them to the upper part from the y-connector stopping short of the ear piece. This will help provide support to the tubing to be held in place as you listen for heart rate.


  • How is it possible to hear your heartbeat through the rubber tubing?

  • A. The vibration of the material and air allows a person to hear through the tubing.

  • Why is rubber tubing used in modern stethoscopes instead of wood?

  • A. Although some woods can allow a person to hear a heart beat, modern stethoscopes are also used to hear for breathing problems and heart murmurs requiring them to be much more resistant to damping sounds.

  • How might the use a stethoscope apply in other situations other than listening for heart rate?

  • A. A stethoscope can be used to listen to the lungs, taking blood pressure, or listening to sounds in another room.

  • How might you improve the model in the picture that was made? Why?

  • Create your own design of a stethoscope and explain why you chose those parts specifically.


How a stethoscope works.


Youtube Reference