Slow Down! (Katie Robinson)


Katie Robinson

Principle(s) Illustrated

  • The main purpose of this event is to get students thinking about the factors that can influence motion, specifically relating to mass, contact forces and noncontact forces.


  • NGSS Science & engineering standards

    • Developing and Using Models

    • Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

    • Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

  • NGSS Cross-cutting concept standards

    • 2: Cause and Effect

    • 4: System and System Models

    • 5: Energy and Matter

    • 7: Stability and Change

  • NGSS Disciplinary core idea standards

    • PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

    • PS3: Energy

Questioning Script

Prior knowledge & experience:

Mass and distance are some ways that we can understand the effects of various contact and noncontact forces. For example, the more massive the object the more force needed to move it. Round objects roll on an inclined plane.

Root question:

Why does the ball slow down? What forces are in action?

Target response:

The honey is a thicker fluid (more viscous) and moves at a different rate compared to the metal ball. In order for it to roll down, the mass of the honey has to become unbalanced and allow the container to continue to roll down.

Common Misconceptions:

Adding more mass to an object will always speed it up. Everything moves at the same rate. Forces are always equal to each other.

Photographs and Movies

It is the first event shown.


See Video Above