Pollution (Amanda Hrezo)


Amanda Hrezo- Valencia High School

NGSS Engineering Standards

Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.

NGSS Engineering Standards

PROBLEM - Students select a type of pollution and research the topic to understand the issue.The student should research the who, what, where, when and why of the pollution problem (Allowed to use computers).

Types of Pollution

  • Air

  • Water

  • Ocean

  • Soil

  • Light

  • Noise

  • Radioactive

  • Thermal

  • Visual (Might be too easy depending on grade and students)

DESIGN - Next without the use of other resources just their research, the students need to develop a solution to the problem. The students can take time to decide if the want to solve one part of the problem, one location or the whole problem. Do they want to solve the pollution once it exists or before the pollution starts. From there the students need to consider cost, impacts and implementation issues. In the end the solution needs to be plausible.

OPTIMIZATION - After each presentation the audience of students are tasked with challenging the idea with questions about the groups proposed solution

Materials needed


The products will be models but not built due to lack of resources


1. Research your topic be sure to include:

    • What- What type of pollution are you researching and what is it.

    • Where- Where does this pollution occur

    • When- When did it start

    • How- How does this pollution happen

2. Design a solution be sure to consider the following (need to develop idea and present to teacher before being allowed to use a computer for research again)

    • Where will you focus your efforts

    • How big will the solution be

    • Do you solve the cause or the effect of the pollution

    • Cultural implications

    • Safety

    • Costs

    • Aesthetics


  • How does your product work to clean up the pollution?

  • What industry or group of people might be negatively harmed by the solution?

  • Who or how will you pay for the solution?


Here is an example of a possible solution


I have not recorded students completing the assignment. I will be doing the assignment in spring semester.

