Color Addition (Tove)


Tove Aitchison, Robert Frost Middle School

Principle(s) Illustrated

  1. primary colors of light - colors that can be combined to make all other colors of light

  2. complementary colors - cancel each other out to create white or black light

  3. reflection of light


MS-PS4-2 Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials.[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on both light and mechanical waves. Examples of models could include drawings, simulations, and written descriptions.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to qualitative applications pertaining to light and mechanical waves.]

Questioning Script

Prior knowledge & experience:

Colors appear to combine to make new colors. Specifically yellow and blue make green, etc.

Root question:

What combination of light is necessary to produce white light?

Target response:

Red, blue and green light

Common Misconceptions:

Pigments are not true colors of light. Pigments reflect certain frequencies and not others.

Photographs and Movies

Put all photos in the class Picasa Album and reference here.

Put all movies in your own Youtube account. Make sure that the account is set for public viewing. Insert the Youtube videos here.


Reference 1: The Physics Classroom

Reference 2: Hyper Physics