Cartesian Diver (Audrey Benson)


Audrey Benson from Moorpark High School.


Demonstrates buoyancy, the ideal gas law, and Pascal's principle. Squeezing on the top of the sealed container decreases the volume and therefore increases air pressure above the water.


Include the science standards which are addressed by this equipment. If no specific content stards are addressed, use the investigation and experimentation standards.

Materials needed

Cartesian Diver kit:

  • Glass cynlinder

  • Small glass floater

  • Cloth

  • Rubber Bands

  • Water


  • Fill cylinder with water

  • Place glass floater inside

  • Cover with cloth and secure with rubber band

  • Press on secured cloth to watch glass floater rise and fall


Squeezing on the top of the sealed glass container decreases the volume and therefore increases air pressure above the water. By Pascal's principle, that pressure is transmitted to all parts of the container. This increases the pressure inside the small glass vial. The increased pressure decreases the volume of air at the top of the vial, and in so doing, decreases the amount of water displaced by the vial. This decreases the buoyant force on it enough to cause it to sink.


1. Why must the container be completely filled with water and sealed?

The water must be all the way at the top, touching the cloth so that when you press down, some of the water comes out and the volume of the container is decreased.

2. Why does the diver move when you press on the cloth?

Because the volume of the container is decreased and water is displaced, the buoyant force decreases and causes the diver to sink.

3. Why does the diver rise when you let go of the cloth?

The volume increases again and the buoyant force causes the diver to rise.

Everyday examples of the principles illustrated

Diving to depth can result in mechanical distortion and tissue compression, especially in gas-filled spaces in the body. Such spaces include the middle ear cavity, air sinuses in the head, and the lungs. Development of even small pressure differentials between an air cavity and its surrounding tissue can result in tissue distortion and disruptiona condition in human divers known as "the squeeze." In some species of cetaceans, the middle ear cavity is lined with an extensive venous plexus, which is postulated to become engorged at depth and thus reduce or obliterate the air space and prevent development of the squeeze. Cetaceans also have large Eustachian tubes communicating with the tympanic cavity of the ear and the large pterygoid sinuses of the head. These air sinuses of the head have an extensive vasculature, which is thought to function in a manner similar to that of the middle ear and facilitate equilibration of air pressure within these spaces. Lastly, most marine mammals lack frontal cranial sinuses like those present in terrestrial mammals.

Swim bladder, also called air bladder, buoyancy organ possessed by most bony fish. The swim bladder is located in the body cavity and is derived from an outpocketing of the digestive tube. It contains gas (usually oxygen) and functions as a hydrostatic, or ballast, organ, enabling the fish to maintain its depth without floating upward or sinking.

