Atomic Structure -Black Box Investigation (Paul DeCunzo)


Paul DeCunzo

Principle(s) Illustrated

  1. There is uncertainty inherent in scientific enterprise.

  2. Scientific explanations are less certain when based on indirect information.

  3. Scientific certainty can be increased through experimentation and collaboration.


Students will:

  1. Communicate the logical connection among hypotheses, science concepts, tests conducted, data collected, and conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence.

  2. Recognize whether evidence is consistent with a proposed explanation.

  3. Draw conclusions from indirect scientific evidence and indicate whether further information is needed to support a specific conclusion

Questioning Script

Prior knowledge & experience:

Background on Atomic Structure and History of the Atom

    • Thompson's Cathod Ray tube experiment and discovery of the electron and plum pudding atomic structure model.

    • Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment and discovery of the nucleus and resulting modern atomic structure model.

Root question:

Determine the internal structure of your box (#1-9) by indirect evidence (sound or vibrations, for example) produced by the moving marble. You may use any technique you wish as long as it does not damage the box or break the seal.

Draw a diagram (on the back of this or attached) indicating where you believe the blocks are located. (Hypothesis)

Compare our diagram with the correct one as recorded by your teacher.(Conclusions). See target responses below.

Questions based on your diagram (hypothesis):

1) How did your diagram compare to the correct one.

Similarities? Differences?

2) Were you able to determine the positions of the hidden blocks?

If so, you did so on the basis of indirect evidence because you never opened the box.

3) What senses did you use to collect your evidence?

4) Rutherford’s gold foil experiment?

5) Draw what his indirect evidence looked like and also the resulting model of the atom he developed below.

5) How is this activity like Rutherford’s experiment? (indirect evidence!)

Target response:

Common Misconceptions:

Hypothesis of the internal structure of the boxes vary in accuracy. Reasons for this may include visualization/special relations skills, thoroughness of exploration, and angle of perception for drawing.

The level of analytic thinking (deductive reasoning) based on indirect evidence.

There are limitations to all models? (not to scale, 2-D, etc.) The more realistic the model the more complex it usually is.


Activity 5.9.1 Determining the Contents of a "Black Box", The Soucebook For Teaching Science, Herr, 2008, p.99-100.

Reference 1 (give the title of the page and insert a link. Don't just paste URL)