Effect of Temperature on Strawberry Decomposition (Ryan Hendrickson)

Research Question and Hypothesis

What is the effect of temperature on the decomposition of strawberries over a 2 week period?

If strawberries are placed into three various temperatures (fridge, room temp, and incubator) then the most decomposition will be found in the incubator, the second most at room temperature, and the third most in the fridge.


7.7.a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, and display data.

8.9.a. Conduct and plan a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis.

8.9.e. Construct appropriate graphs from data and develop quantitative statements about the relationships between variables.

Experimental Design

To observe the different rates of decomposition strawberries from the same basket will be placed in three different conditions to see how differences in temperature can effect the decomposition.

Independent variable

The independent variable would be time (2 weeks).

Dependent variables

Amount of decomposition (qualitative). Possibly use image analyses program to measure rate of growth of fungi as a quantitative measurement.


What series will you be testing. The rate of decomposition of strawberries (dependent variable) as a function of time (independent variable) at various temperatures(series): Outside (41-72 degrees Fahrenheit), Inside (70 degrees Fahrenheit), Refrigerator (35 degrees Fahrenheit).

Constants and Controls

What is factors are held constant?

The number of strawberries

Amount of light (all strawberries are covered)

What serves as a control?

The strawberry outside (represent normal decomposition in non artificial conditions)


Box of strawberries




Cabinet for the room temperature strawberry (so light is not a variable)

3 Plates


1. Obtain one box of strawberries.

2. Select 9 strawberries at random

3. Place 3 strawberries on each plate

4. Place one plate in a cabinet (room temp), one plate in the refrigerator, and one plate in an incubator.

5. At 24 hour intervals take a picture of each plate.

6. Repeat step 5 until 2 weeks have elapsed

Sample data and graphs

Include raw data and graphs. Make certain to include units in all measurements, titles on all graphs, and labels on all axes.

Analysis & Conclusions

Analyze the data and draw conclusions relevant to your research question and hypothesis.

Photos & Movies

How it should look...

Day 1

Day 4

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9


Room Temp



Include links to all relevant references. Don't just paste the URLs here. Give a title for the resource and then link the text to the appropriate URL.