Magic Water Pitcher Acid/Base (Erica Brauer)


Erica Brauer

Principle(s) Illustrated

  • Sodium Carbonate is a base, and an indicator turns it pink. An Acid is then added which neutralizes the base.

  • 1. Using a jug of water, place three cups out (cup 1 has a little dissolved sodium carbonate, cup 2 has a little phenol phthalein, and cup 3 has a little vinegar already in it).

  • 2. Pour water from the jug into each of the cups. The liquid is clear. Pour cup 1 and 2 back in the jug. You will see the cups are now a purple/pink color. Pour 1, 2, and 3, back into the jug. Now the water is clear again.


  • NGSS Science & engineering standards: Asking questions

  • NGSS Cross-cutting concept standards: cause and effect

  • NGSS Disciplinary core idea standards: Chemistry of Climate Change

Questioning Script

Prior knowledge & experience:

They have heard of acids and bases before, but may not know a lot about them/

Root question:

They will predict that water will be poured into the cup.

Target response:

That there is an acid/base reaction happening

Common Misconceptions:

That the original water is not water.

Photographs and Movies

Applications to everyday live

Using antacids to neutralize stomach acid

Soil chemistry (test the soil, if it is too acidic, what can you add, if it is too basic, what can you add?)

Treat acidic effluents and gas

Wasp stings are basic-use vinegar

Bee stings are acidic-use baking soda

Toothpaste are bases used to neutralize the acid in your mouth to prevent tooth decay.