An Egg-speriment (Mary Eckel)

Research Question

What will hydrate a cell faster: water, Gatorade or Coconut Water? Will Gatorade dehydrate a normal cell?


When an eggs are soaked in distilled water, Gatorade or Coconut water, the egg soaked in distilled water will gain the most weight and the egg in Gatorade will lose water.


Include the California and/or National science standards that this addresses.

Experimental Design

Students will investigate which liquid (distilled water, Gatorade or Coconut water) will hydrate a cell best. This will be accomplished by removing the shell of three eggs with vinegar then soaking one egg in each liquid. Students will take the mass of the eggs at specific intervals, recording both the mass and the time.

Independent variable

The independent variable is time.

Dependent variables

The dependent variables are the different liquids (distilled water, Gatorade and Coconut water)


The series being tested is the amount of water that moves through (into or out of) the cell membrane. This will be determined by taking the mass of the eggs

Constants and Controls

The constants are the soaking of the eggs in vinegar, the amount of time each egg is soaked, the intervals between measurements and the amount of liquid each egg was soaked.


Vinegar, 3 eggs, Gatorade, Distilled water, Coconut Water, 3 beakers, Scale, Paper towels


  1. Soak all eggs in vinegar overnight.

  2. Weigh each egg, record the weight.

  3. Label three beakers (Water, Gatorade, Coconut Water).

  4. Carefully place one egg in each container; cover the eggs with the appropriate liquid (about 300mL).

  5. Every two hours, remove the egg from the cup, gently pat dry, weigh and record.

  6. Place egg back in beaker.

  7. After eight hours, analyze the final results.

  8. Clean up

Sample data and graphs

Analysis & Conclusions

Based on the results, an egg in distilled water is hypertonic to the water. Water steadily moved into the egg (high concentration to lower concentration and the egg's mass increased. The egg in Gatorade had very little change, gaining 2.10 grams over the eight hour period. This shows that an egg is only very slightly hypertonic to the Gatorade. The Coconut water egg gained 1.20 grams. This shows that the egg is almost isotonic to the coconut water (about equal concentrations of water on each side of the membrane). Some of the gain could be due to liquid on the outside of the egg.

The class (AP Biology, who was curious about what I was doing and what the results were) came to the conclusion that all three drinks would keep a person hydrated throughout the day, but water still is best.

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