Van De Graff Generator (Alan Kodel)


Alan Kodel- Vaughn Next Century Learning Center


Static Electricity



PS3 Energy

Cause and Effect: If an object is given an electric charge, it will attract or repel objects based on their charge.

Cross cutting concepts: Systems and systems models

Materials needed

None needed


Have a person hold onto the Van De Graaff generator while it is turned on.

Observe what happens to the hair.

Then have the person let go of the generator and move their arm close.

Observe what happens.


Bottom roller takes on electrons and becomes negative, rubber belt becomes positive.

Belt picks up electrons from top roller and is negative on the way down.

Electrons are transferred from the top brush to the belt causing the dome to become positive.

The dome then attracts electrons from the environment and sends them back through the top brush.


  1. Inculde at least three questons (with answers) that you can ask to assess understanding of the principles ilustrated

  2. Question

  3. Question

Everyday examples of the principles illustrated

Vivamus suscipit placerat massa, ac ullamcorper quam congue id. Sed auctor facilisis lobortis. Vivamus eu diam orci.


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