Accelerometer (Alan Kodel)


Alan Kodel-Vaughn Next Century Learning Center.

Sensor / Probe

Describe the capabilities of the app or probe. Explain how it works and the sensors it uses.

When an accelerative force is applied to a smartphone microscopic crystals become stressed. A sensor then interprets the voltage coming from the crystals to determine the direction and speed of the phone.

Sample Investigation

Provide a sample investigation that you conducted using the data collected by the probe/app. Include independent variable, dependent variables, constants and controls.

Sample Data & Analysis and Interpretation

Provide sample data collected using this probe/app, analysis and interpretation


Include photos that you have taken. Do not embed the photos in this website as it will run out of memory quickly. Put the photos in the appropriate album. Insert the photos by addressing their URL from the insert graphic function.


Include movies that you have taken. Your movies should be placed in your youtube account.