(1) Sharing files through collaborative folders


(2) Communicating with groups of colleagues

Teachers must often communicate with groups of individuals (e.g. department, student club, administration, etc.) via email. Using an email address book, you may establish groups for quick addressing and mailing. Each individual can be in be in one or more groups.


(3) Communicating asynchronously via online forums

Electronic discussion groups offer great opportunities for extended asynchronous dialog between students and teachers. A teacher may start a discussion thread and require students to post their thoughts, as well as comments on the postings of others. Electronic discussion groups should always be moderated by the teacher.

  • Contribute to 514 discussions on canvas.csun.edu.

  • Discuss the potential benefits and concerns of electronic discussion groups in the secondary school environment.

(4) Communicating synchronously via chat

"Chat rooms" and e-learning systems allow multiple users to communicate at the same time. This can provide teachers with data to make formative assessments. For example, a teacher can pose a question and give students time to form their responses. When given the signal, students enter their comments and instantly the teacher can receive their replies and assess their understanding.

  • Log on to the class chat room or e-learning system and respond to questions posed by the instructor. Include a screen capture of an academic question/answer video or text chat session.

  • Discuss how an academic chat room or e-learning system can be used to achieve full participation in an interactive class discussion.

(5) Video Conferencing

  • Participate in a synchronous web-based video-meeting. Include screen-shots and a link illustrating your participation in the video conference.

  • Create and save a live broadcast (Zoom, Google Hangouts / Hangouts on Air) with your subject matter group.

(6) Blogging - Feedback on your progress

A blog (weblog) is a personal or group website that facilitates regular entries of commentary, graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

  • Contribute to an instructional blog in blogger (e.g. sites of educational interest in Los Angeles) and make at least one edited, meaningful entry. Provide a link to your blog(s) from your website as well as a screen shot of your contribution.

  • Create your own blog in Google sites and make three more more meaningful entries.

(7) Apps for gathering student input for formative assessment

  • Socrative -student response system that empowers teachers to collect data. Import and modify an existing quiz and submit evidence that you have given the quiz to others.

  • What is formative assessment? Describe how you can use mobile devices in the classroom for the purpose of formative assessment.