Motion Detector (Andrew Salg)


Andrew Salg, Health teacher

Sensor / Probe

Motion Sensor Page

The app is meant to work more like a security device in most cases, but can be used time lapses animals and perhaps changes in the environment. The app can either save the photos taken on the SD card, or the more preferable method is to store the pictures in a cloud for viewing. The app also gives the person the option of using another cell phone to monitor the phone being used to detect motion, or have photos emailed to an address. Through the app the phone can automatically close the app if the phone is disturbed in order to avoid problems. The app is able to pick up a lot of movement depending of the sensitivity of movement. This can be adjusted in the setting on the main page. The camera in the phone works as a sensor along with another sensor located by the camera. The flash does not go off in order to avoid detection. The phone must be stabilized though in order to not throw the sensor off causing pictures to be taken.

Cons- the app can be hard to capture some images depending on the type of camera phone being used. This results in blurred photos due to the app not using the focus feature of the camera, so frames have to be manually set before setting the alarm for detection. The sensor can be highly sensitive to any vibration where the phone is placed causing the camera to be set off when nothing is present. The cloud for the app can make saving images onto google photos difficult, and requires a person to first save the image somewhere and then upload to an album.

Pros- The app is free to install. The controls are easy to understand in settings, allowing for remote control from another phone or device. The app shows the same image two times in the cloud, one with the area of movement unmarked, and the other places a red rectangle to show where movement was detected. Sensitivity of the detector can be set depending on what images a person wants to capture. The app does not present any technical problems such as crashing, and is consistent in operations through the menu and options.

Sample Investigation

A quick sample investigation I did was monitoring movement in the backyard to see any animals such as birds, squirrels, cats, or my dog set off the sensor. The independent variable is time, the dependent variable is animals or objects being picked up in a photo.

Sample Data & Analysis and Interpretation

The app was only able to capture so much in a span of half and hour (30 min). The app only managed to capture my dog running to the back of the yard. The dog did set off the alarm a total of two times.The app was set off by me also moving the camera when I went to check on it, and I noticed through the cloud pictures that due to wind that day the sensor picked up the motion of the bird feeders in the back moving. This app seems useful when trying to find out what types of animals may move through an area like a backyard or in some cases monitoring trails that people hike in the hills. Overall, I would say that this app is useful in capturing motion, and that setting the sensor to a moderately sensitive setting can help avoid small movements while capturing more exaggerated movements caused by wildlife.

