Molecular Motion (Alan Kodel)

Research Question and Hypothesis

How does the temperature of a liquid affect how quickly food coloring spreads.

If food coloring is added to 3 graduated cylinders of water at different temperatures, how quickly will the food coloring spread.

If the water is heated up, then the food coloring will spread faster.


Dimension 1- 6: Construction Explanations

Cross Cutting Concept 5-Energy and matter



Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.

Experimental Design

Provide a description of the experimental design

Independent variable

The time that goes by for each graduated cylinder.

Dependent variables

The distance that the food coloring has spread through the water.


Example: The distance that food coloring has spread (dependent variable) as a function of Time (independent variable) at various time Temperatures (series).

Constants and Controls

The shape, size and material of the graduated cylinders. Same type of thermometer. Amount of water in each graduated cylinder. Number of drops of food coloring. Water from same source.


3 graduated cylinders, hot plate, ice, food coloring, thermometer and a timer. All can be purchased at a marked or found in a science stockroom.


1. Heat up one glass of water on a hotplate until it is boiling and gently pour 50 ml into a graduated cylinder.

2. Leave the 2nd graduated cylinder of water out so it will be room temperature.

3. Pour water into the 3rd glass that has been sitting in ice for several minute .

4. All 3 graduated cylinders should have 50ml of water.

5. Place 5 drops of food coloring into each glass.

6. All 3 graduated cylinders will be filmed for 2 min.

7. Students will play the video back and see how far down the food coloring spread at each 15 second interval.

Sample data and graphs

Include raw data and graphs. Make certain to include units in all measurements, titles on all graphs, and labels on all axes.

Molecular Motion

Analysis & Conclusions

Analyze the data and draw conclusions relevant to your research question and hypothesis.

Student will analyze the graph and see how quickly the food coloring spread in the different glasses of water. Students will need to connect the behavior of molecules in the different temperatures of water with the rate that food coloring spreads within the different glasses of water.

Photos & Movies

Include photos and movies of your longitudinal research. Post your photos in the class photo album and your movies in your Youtube account.


Include links to all relevant references.