Motion (Strava) (Gloria Hernandez Scipio)


Gloria Hernandez Scipio

Sensor / Probe

Strava is a website and mobile app used to track athletic activity via GPS. It helps you analyze and quantify your performance.

Sample Investigation

When can I run my fastest mile, morning, afternoon, or night?

Independent: Time of the day

Dependent: How fast I run my mile

Constants: Same person running, same area

Sample Data & Analysis and Interpretation

GScipio- Strava Run

After looking at my data, I see that I have my faster miles in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, I can run a mile in 8min and 51 seconds as my fastest mile. In the evening, I can run a 9min and 34 seconds. In the afternoon, I run the slowest mile, with the best mile I run during the afternoon is 10 minutes and 17 seconds. I think my mile time is the best in the morning because I am fully energized and wide awake. I think my next fastest is the evening because I have been able to unwind from my day. Also, it is cooler in the mornings and evenings, and I enjoy running in cooler temperatures. In the afternoon, I may be overwhelmed with the work day and not as motivated and energized for the run. A few errors in this experiment is that I did not run the same amount of miles per trial and also, I did not control other factors such as making sure I had the same routine for all days, got the same amount of rest, ate the same types of food etc. This will allow me to make an even more accurate analysis.

