Old Zoo (Brie-anna Molina)

Reviewed by: Brie-anna Molina, science teacher (marine biology, oceanography, environmental science, animal behavior), North Hollywood HS Zoology Magnet.

Location: 4801 Griffith Park Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Description: Provide a description of the field trip. Include a physical description of the site, explanation of ownership/management, mission (if an institution), history, access, and other relevant issues.

The Old Zoo is the original location of the Los Angeles Zoo, established in 1912 in Griffith Park. The site was originally established on Griffith J. Griffith's former ostrich farm. When it opened, it only had 15 animals, some of which were donated from a film studio. As the Zoo and the city grew, the public began to criticize the conditions of the animal habitats and the zoo generally. In the late 1950s the Zoo received funding to build a new Zoo, which they built and opened in 1966 at its current site just two miles down the road from the Old Zoo location. The Old Zoo habitats were left largely as they were although some bars were removed, moats were filled, and benches were added, giving it the park feeling it has today.

For this trip, students will learn about the history of the Zoo and the purpose of Zoos originally. The guide will ask students to determine potential issues with the enclosures (cages) and compare/contrast the Old Zoo to modern zoos.

Audience: Who should take a field trip to this location and why? Be specific and explain how a particular student or teacher might benefit.

  • An environmental science or biology teacher could use this trip in an ecology unit to supplement lessons on form and function, habitat requirements, and animal interactions. This also brings up issues of animal welfare and ethics as these cages were not specially designed for the animals inside. The site also allows us to discuss environmental engineering concepts as they consider how we can/should design habitats for specific animals with specific needs and abilities. Variables such as moat depth and width (to prevent animals from jumping over or climbing out), habitat terrain, exposure to sunlight and the elements for different species (examples of polar bears in tropical regions growing algae in their fur as bad practice) can be introduced as engineering issues.

Science Concepts Addressed: Give examples of specific science concepts that may be addressed by visiting the field trip site and explain how they are addressed.

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas:

    • HS-LS2-6. Evaluate claims, evidence, and reasoning that the complex interactions in ecosystems maintain relatively consistent numbers and types of organisms in stable conditions, but changing conditions may result in a new ecosystem.

  • Science and Engineering Practices:

    • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

    • Engaging in Argument from Evidence

  • Cross Cutting Concepts:

    • Structure and Function

Study Guide: Develop a study guide that can be used by students visiting this site. The study guide should be very clear and address specific science concepts. The study guide can be in the form of an attached pdf file that students can print-out and respond to with paper and pencil, or an online form that can be completed using a mobile phone.

  • Informational map: A map of the field trip site with key features labeled.

  • Tasks: At least three tasks for the students to perform while at the field trip site.

  • Observations: A minimum of 10 observational questions that can only be answered if students have visited the site.

  • Higher Order Questions / Activities: A minimum of 3 higher order questions or activities that can only be answered if students have visited the site.

Field Trip Study Guide

Photographs: Include a minimum of five good, unique photographs that highlight science concepts listed above. Make certain to explain each photograph and the science concepts illustrated.

Video tour of the Old Zoo

View the Google Photos Album here.

For additional information: Include links to websites and books that would be of assistance to those interested in learning more about this field trip location.

California Through My Lens: Old Zoo in Griffith Park

KCET A Wimpering Roar: The Old Griffith Park Zoo, Then and Now

Weird California: Old LA Zoo