Cathode Ray Tube (Amanda Hrezo)


Amanda Hrezo


Repulsion and Attraction

Atomic Structure

Atomic Models


HS-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions

Materials needed

  • Strong Magnet

  • Cathode Ray Tube

  • Tesla Coil


1. Setup cathode ray on stand

2. Plug in Tesla coil

3. Push and hold the power button for the tesla coil.

4. Move the tesla coil towards the negative end of the cathode ray tube (Do not touch the tesla coil to the cathode ray)

5. Once there is a strong ray, use a magnet to show how the ray moves in response to the positive and negative side of the magnet.


The cathode ray tube is a glass tube with a vacuum inside of it. Meaning there are not particles inside the tube. On one end is a cathode (-) and the other end an anode (+). Electrons from a tesla coil move through the cathode side to the anode side of the tube. There is a coating on the tube and when it is struck by electrons it glows.

The magnet can attract or repel the ray of light due to the idea that opposites attract. When the positive side of the magnet is towards the ray; the ray will bend towards the magent. WHen the negative side of the magnet is towards the ray it will move away from the magnet.


  1. What might be creating the ray of light? Electrons

  2. What direction does the ray of life seem to be traveling? Towards the positive side

  3. If the positive side of the magnet is towards the ray, how does the ray move? Towards the magnet

  4. What charge does the ray have then? Negative

Everyday examples of the principles illustrated

- Older Televisions and Computer Monitors


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