Heat Absorption & Radiation (Pam Collins)

Research Question and Hypothesis

Which type of surface will absorb and radiate heat the fastest: soil or water?

Which type color will absorb and radiate heat the fastest: dark or light?


Earth Science:

4. Energy enters Earth system primarily as solar radiation and eventually escapes as heat.

5. Heating of Earth's surface and atmosphere by the sun drives convection within the atmosphere and oceans producing winds and ocean currents.

Experimental Design

The effects of the sun's radiation vary depending on the type of surface. In this investigation, students will compare the effect of heat absorption and radiation on objects on different colors and reflectivity.

They will investigate absorption and radiation on two different types of surfaces: land, represented by soil, and ocean, represented by water.

Independent variable

Independent variable is time which will be measured in minutes.

Dependent variables

Dependent variables are the color of the first two containers (light and dark) and the contents of the second two containers (soil and water).


Study change in temperature of different colored containers and different materials (dependent variable) as a function of time (independent variable) at various temperatures (series).

Constants and Controls

The distance of the containers from the heat lamp is held constant. The control is a stand-alone thermometer that is not placed inside a container.


  • heat lamp (incandescent bulb of at least 100 watts)

  • 1 16 0z silver metal container painted black topped with foam lid that has a slit to hold thermometer

  • 1 16 0z silver metal container topped with foam lid that has a slit to hold thermometer

  • 1 16 oz glass container filled 2/3 full with dark soil

  • 1 16 oz glass container filled 2/3 full with water

  • 5 thermometers

  • stopwatch

  • 1 data table and graph


See attached Procedure sheet below

Sample data and graphs

See attached graphs worksheets below

Analysis & Conclusions

The data shows that dark materials absorb heat faster than light materials, and that soil absorbs heat faster than water.

Photos & Movies


Here is a digital quiz for students to take.