Will it Float (Audrey Benson)


Audrey Benson

Principle(s) Illustrated

  • Surface tension of the water allows for paper clips (higher density than water) to float.

  • Other objects with less surface tension will sink.

  • Different substances can break the surface tension of water.


Questioning Script

Prior knowledge & experience:

Paper clips are denser than water. Cohesion force between water molecules allows for paper clips to float.

Root question:

What would happen if a small paper clip is dropped into the water?

What would happen if a large paper clip is dropped into the water?

How will oil or soap affect the surface tension of the water?

Target response:

The small paperclip will sink.

The large paperclip will float if gently paced onto the surface of the water.

The addition of oil or soap makes the paperclip sink.

Common Misconceptions:

Paper clips will always sink.

Because oil floats, it will help other things to float.

Photographs and Movies

Applications to everyday life


Science Bob-Making paperclips float

Teaching From Space- Surface Tension

Waterstriders use surface tension to walk across small bodies of water.

The high surface tension of water is essential for water and blood transport in plants and animals.