Photosynthesis (Michael Flores)


Michael Flores

NGSS Engineering Standards


Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

NGSS Engineering Standards

PROBLEM - How to effectively demonstrate the process of photosynthesis

DESIGN - create a labeled 3D model of the photosynthetic process

Constraints:(You must have objects that represent the energy that starts the process, the reactants and products of the process, as well as the leaf and organelle that allow the process to occur.)

    • Must be an interactive or working 3D, freestanding model of a plant

    • No more than 12 square inches (L x W) Height requirement < 3ft

    • Display the:

      • Energy flow

      • Reactants

      • Products

      • Organelles

      • Plant structures involved in photosynthesis

    • A prototype (drawing) of your model must accompany your project

    • Use no more than 5 ‘dollars’ worth of supplies

      • If you use my supplies it will go against your budget, but any supplies brought from home does not count against you

OPTIMIZATION - Improve or redesign and retest

What errors were made during the design of the model?

How did you fix your errors?

Were you able to create an effective model the first time? Why not?

Materials needed

Any materials may be used as long as you stay under budget.


    1. Explain the problem you need to solve? How will you attempted to solve it?

    2. Explore and research the following

      1. Explain what you already know about photosynthesis

      2. Include any additional important information (what do you plan to add to your model)

    3. Brainstorm and design a solution

      1. Identify what materials you will use

      2. Create diagrams on paper (attach your prototype to your finished model)

      3. Detail the construction your model

    4. Build, test, and analyze

      1. How will you address each individual criteria?

      2. What formula/calculations will you use to construct your model?

      3. How will you organize the material in way that adheres to the criteria?

    5. Improve or redesign and retest

      1. What errors were made during the initial design of the model?

      2. How did you fix your errors?

      3. ?

    6. Present and share

      1. How will you share your project with the general public?

      2. Discuss in detail what you learned about engineering


    1. After the presentations: Which design was the best solution? Explain.

    2. Did your final product work effectively?

    3. What could you do differently the next time or improve your final product?

    1. The Law of Thermodynamics states no matter can be created or destroyed. Explain how the process of photosynthesis adheres to that rule

If you noticed the chemical reaction for photosynthesis, the products are in multiples of 6. Your challenge is to create a balanced equation of photosynthesis where the end product is 9 glucose molecules instead of six


How can plants/photosynthesis be used in urban settings:

Rooftop Resturants

Rooftop gardens



Provide links to relevant websites.