(6) Instrumentation

Apps for mobile devices - Download from App Store

  • Acceleration - Accelerometer, AccelMeter, Sensor Kinetics

  • Air pressure - BarometerClinometer

  • Altitude -Altimeter, Strava

  • Angular Distances - Sextant, Tiltemeter

  • Azimuth - Theodolite

  • Direction - Compass

  • Electromagnetic Field Intensity - EMF Meter

  • Heart Rate / pulse - Wahoo ticker (requires strapped sensor)

  • Infrared Radiation - Seek Thermal (requires adapter)

  • Latitude, Longitude, Direction - Geo Compass, Compass, Theodolite, Commander Compass

  • Length - Ruler

  • Light Intensity - Luxmeter, LxMeter

  • Location - Strava

  • Magnetic Field Strength - Magnetometer

  • Motion - Video Physics, Strava

  • Path - Strava

  • Power - Strava

  • Radiation - Gamma Detector

  • Seismic Movement - Seismograph

  • Sensor Monitor - Gathered . gather info from all Monitors.

  • Sound Frequency - Frequency Meter, Sound Beam

  • Sound volume - Sound Meter, Decibel

  • Stars, Planets Identification - GoSky Watch, Star chart

  • Strike - Geocompass

  • Time, Stopwatch, Timer - Clock

  • Tone - Tone Generator

  • Wind - Windspeed

Probeware - Venier, Pasco

We have those that are in bold.

  • Accelerometers

  • Anemometer

  • Barometer

  • Blood Pressure Sensor

  • Charge Sensor

  • CO2 Gas Sensor

  • Colorimeter

  • Conductivity Probes

  • Current Sensors

  • Dissolved Oxygen Probes

  • EKG Sensor

  • Electrode Amplifiers

  • Energy Sensor

  • Ethanol Sensor

  • Flow Rate Sensor

  • Force Sensors

  • Goniometer

  • GPS Sensors

  • Hand Dynamometer

  • Heart Rate Sensors

  • Instrumentation Amplifier

  • Ion-Selective Electrodes

  • Light Sensor

  • Magnetic Field Sensor

  • Microphone

  • Mini GC Plus Gas Chromatograph

  • Motion Detectors

  • pH Sensors

  • Photogate

  • Polarimeter (Chemical)

  • Power Amplifier

  • Pressure Sensors

  • Radiation Monitor

  • Relative Humidity Sensor

  • Rotary Motion Sensor

  • Salinity Sensor

  • Sound Level Probes

  • Soil Moisture Sensor

  • Solar Radiation Sensors

  • Spectrometers

  • Spirometer

  • Structures & Materials Tester

  • Temperature Sensors

  • Time of Flight Pad

  • Turbidity Sensor

  • USB Sensors

  • UV Sensors

  • Voltage Probes