Airplay mirroring with Apple TV (Courtney Carpenter)


Courtney Carpenter, Susan Miller Dorsey High School, Los Angeles


This piece of equipment allows for the teacher to display and project anything from around the classroom.


Investigation and Experimentation Standards

  1. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other four strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students will:

a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology (such as computer-linked

probes, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators) to perform tests, collect data,

analyze relationships, and display data.

k. Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence.

l. Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science.

n. Know that when an observation does not agree with an accepted scientific theory, the observation is sometimes mistaken or fraudulent (e.g., the Piltdown Man fossil or unidentified flying objects) and that the theory is sometimes wrong (e.g., the Ptolemaic model of the movement of the Sun, Moon, and planets).

Materials needed

  • overhead projector

  • computer

  • iphone

  • anything else that is compatible with apple


This equipment can be used by teacher and students to display whatever they want on their apple screen. For example, if students have a drawing on their iPad screen they can hook up wirelessly to appleTV which projects through overhead monitor.


This demonstration equipment is very important for a science class specifically because science is based on observation. Not only do scientists need to observe scientific phenomena there is a huge potential for collaboration and class discussion. I remember in high school and college having a hard time observing procedures the teachers were trying to show the class. With the appleTV this will not be an issue.


  1. Why does a science classroom need to have such a seemingly extravagant observation tools?

    • Science revolves around observation in the sense that all theories and facts are based off observations scientists have made. Furthermore, there are many procedures or demonstrations that the entire class cannot see at the same time without the help of technology!

  2. What are possible uses for this observation tool?

    • see "Everyday examples of the principles illustrated" below

  3. Will students appreciate the difference with this observation tool?

    • Yes!!! They will appreciate that they are able to be able to enjoy all aspects of the class even if they are in the back of the room. Also they will be able to share the screen of their iPad with the entire class without getting out of their seat.

Everyday examples of the principles illustrated

  • students show the screen of their iPad or iPhone without leaving their seat, i.e. graph, drawing, data, etc

  • iPhone can be used as microscope for $10 (see link in references) and microscopic image can be displayed for entire class to see via overhead projector

  • iPhone can be used to stream live video of teacher demonstration so the entire class can see what the teacher is doing i.e. microbiology techniques such as streaking.

  • please comment below if you have more ideas

