Los Angeles Zoo- Amanda Hrezo

Edits by: Amanda Hrezo (Behavior Field Guide, Evolution Field Guide)

Reviewed by: Jen Hinerman, Biology and Physiology Teacher at Kennedy High School in Granada Hills, CA

Location: LA Zoo


The Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens is a 133 acre complex that houses 1,100 animals, representing 250 species, and over 800 different species of plants. The zoo is run by GLAZA (the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association), a non-profit organization that has been in effect since 1963. Today GLAZA provides support through memberships, fundraising, special events, and publications. GLAZA is also responsible for coordinating one of the largest zoo volunterr programs in the country.

The zoo is wheel chair and stroller accessible and both can be rented ($6 for stroller, $25 for electric wheel chair).

Zoo History


A biology student would benefit because they will examine the adaptations of animals from specific biomes. Students will analyze the adaptions the animal has based on the biotic and abiotic factors present in the biomes, including environment, weather, food options and predators.

Science Concepts Addressed:

  • Natural selection and Adaptation: Students will look at the adaptations that the animals have based on the environment that they live in

  • Biomes: Students will examine all the major biomes, including the abiotic and biotic factors and the plant and animal life that they support

  • Ecology: Students will look at specific ecosystems and the species that play a part in the food web.

  • Animal Behavior: Students can collect data on animal behavior. Most of the behaviors seen are individual which can then be compared with group behaviors back in class. The individual behaviors can be turned into a research project to help students act and think like real scientists.

  • Evolution: Students can be given groups of related animals to investigate how similar traits they have which might help identify evolutionary relationship and back in class these characteristics can be compared to other groups.

Study Guide: Students will be chosing a Biome to focus on prior to the fieldtrip (on the bus to the zoo or the day before in class). Students will need to find 3 animals that live in the biome and examine the adaptations of those animals that help them survive in their biome as well as look at the plants in the habitats and how they relate to the animals' adaptation. Students will finish there fieldtrip guide with a food chain and food web based on the three animals.

Behavior Field Guide:

Ethology LA Zoo

Teacher Ideas:

- Before the students go to the zoo you can divide them into groups. When the students return the next day, have the students compare the data between the different animal groups (ex. herbivores and carnivores).

- Compare meerkats and prairie dogs for the benefits of group behavior.

Evolution Field Guide:
