
Zentangle Value Strip

9" x 12"

Gel Pen on Drawing Paper

Negative space hands

9" x 12"

Graphite on Drawing Paper

Negative Space Leaves

11" x 14"

Pen and markers on Printmaking Paper

With my art, I am trying to show the relations of negative space and value. The Zentangle Valule Strips are trying to show different values between ten different pattern strips. The Negative space hands and leaves show the relations of negative space and positive space.

For the Zentangle strip, I used a pencil, gel pens, and a little white paint(to cover mistakes) on drawing paper. For the Negative space Hands drawing I used graphite pencil on drawing paper. Finally, for the Negative Space Leaves, I used pencils, markers, and gel pens on printmaking paper.

When creating my art I pushed to create fine lines to represent the contract between white and black space and lines. Then using the rules of negative space I drew my hand in three different positions and emphasized the negative space with smudged graphite. Finally, for the negative space leaves, I tried to represent the negative space with the outline of leaves pressed together and a bright variation of colors to represent to positive space. Using feedback from peers I emphasized lines and colored over lines to create a sharper and more appealing piece that would better show the negative space leaves.