Lidded Jars

Little Pot

Final Photo

Clay, White Glaze, Red Glaze

Big Pot

Final Photo

Clay, White Glaze, Red Glaze

This project consisted of making two pots with lids, some sort of handles(the hearts), and feet. My first pot was larger and had three heart-shaped feet. My second pot was smaller due to time and the foot was instead a coil attached to the bottom by scratching and applying slip. 

These were both pinch pots that I smoothened out with the grey smother tool and the wooden stick tools. I spend a lot of time learning how different stages of clay work very differently and how it will affect my process. The biggest challenge I encountered where the feet, my first and bigger pot had hearts as feet which were very fragile and also not scratched enough in the first application. Before the clay was plastic I reattached it very strongly but the legs did break right before going in the kiln. As a solution Mr. Andswerson helped me slip them back together with a viager formula. The was a learning curve that for the sake of my pots I don't have to encounter again.

For these pots, I used a white glaze for the base of the pot, sm-11, and for the hearts I used sm-51 a nice red. The reason I chose sm was because it was glossy but also not as much as others and I liked this because I didn't want the pots to be matte but at the same time I didn't want them to be super shiny because they serve the same purpose as a bowl and I don't know a lot of super shiny bowls.

I really am happy with these pots and there are a couple of reasons for this. One was that it was the first real pot that I built and it came out ten times better than I ever imagined. Second being that I was faced with a couple of challenges that I thought would ruin my pot or the plan I had for my pot, but in the end I stuck with the theme and worked ways around those challenges such as vinegar slip. And Last in my opinion the colors are cute and it has a sort of cute value to it that I was hoping would come out of it and it did which makes me happy.