Multiple Pinch Project

In this project, I used multiple pinch pots to create a flower vase with multiple petals that can be used for jewelry. I also made little stems coming off of the flower to be used to hold bracelets and more little earrings and hoops. I first crafted the cylinder shape then through scratch scratch slip attach I added the stems and then the small flower petal pinch pots.  

 A main issue I encountered when creating this piece of pottery was the cracking. There were far too many cracks between the flower petals and the base. The first way I tried to solve this problem was by reattaching the petals by taking them off, scratching out the inside, adding water, and reattaching.  This works quite well and I thought that would be enough, but I think that to the weight of the petals when I came back to the next class they had sagged and started cracking again. This time I took a different approach and added and coil of clay around the base of the flower and underneath the petals giving the extra support. This not only gave the petals more support but looked more clean than the original design.

I am happy with the outcome because it effectively works and I am proud of how I fixed the major flaws of the pot.