
Round Blue

9" x 11"

Guoache, water color paper, Wood glue

for this midterm/final we were tasked with making art out of grided places circles. My final artistic decisions was to make a layout of art circles that make a pattern.

For this project, I cut out circles from watercolor paper, painted them with gouache, and glued onto a watercolor paper that I also painted with gouache. I used gouache because it is a very nice painting material for patterns and non-realistic painting(possibly realistic too, just not something I would know). Finally, due to the lack of glue in our house, I used wood glue to glue my circles to the paper.

There were a couple of factors that challenged my work in this process, one being time. I did not finish my project on time due to it taking a while to just come up with an Idea, also my first idea was much too complicated for an hour-long project. Another factor was creativity, although I came up with a couple of ideas like pointillism, and realistic aspects, I soon realized that i didn't have the time or talent to complete that. This led me to be not even halfway done at the end of class and decide to change my layout into a pattern of waves and blue colors to create a theme instead of choosing to create unrelated objects and shapes.