Art History Inspired Project

Art History Inspired Project

12" x 18"

Acrylic paint, markers, newspaper, black paper, gel pens, and paint markers.

The idea of this art was to use my inspiration from the two artists Kara Walker and Juan quick-to-see-smith. Using the silloutte paper cuttouts from Kara walkers work and the newpaper from Juan quick to see smith, I created my art piece. I also used climate change as a big representation in my art, this inspired my art, and fueled the main idea of the art piece. I am trying to portray the importance of actions that people need to take due to the current and future conditions of the world climate.

I used acrylic paints, markers, newspaper, black paper, gel pens, and paint markers to create this art piece.

When researching art history during class, both Kara walker's and Juan quick-to-see-smith stood out to me and I knew that I wanted to create a piece incorporating their art. At the same time I also wanted to incorporate my views on climate change, this is because of the Tidal Shift Awar Competitions and my passion for advocating for climate change actions. I decided to create an eye so it can capture how the world is watching the climate change, this may not seem important, but people tend to talk and advocate for change when they themselves don't do anything to change it. I used newspaper from the past year or so because I knew I could find politics or things that have been impacted by climate change, I used newspaper becuase it shows how real this is and how it is happening now. I added doodles to the art to express how real and important this cause is. After what I made what I thought was the final product, I thought it wasn't full enouph. Not only did it not take up that much space, but it wasn't as strong and loud as I wanted the message to be. I added bright red paint and splotchy letters to write out a message becuase the color reresent a danger and almost a blood color to show how the world is dying under our hands.