Circle Design

3.5" diameter

7" diameter

Lord of the Rings Eye View

Colored Pencil, gel Pen, Colored marker, and pencil

The idea of this artwork was to create something out of circles. My idea was to create the eye of sauron but in pointalism.

For this I used colored pencil for marking weverything out, gel pens to create smaller and more precise dots, and finally marker to create contrast and add to a second circle that I did for fun(the mountains).

This was a bg trial and error for me becuase I have never really experiemented with pointalism and I did not have a lot of time considering there was the LL.Bean trip for softmores. To conquer this conflict I went to callbacks and ploted out an idea with colored pencil(still dots) then went over in gel pen and later marker. The contrast was the main issue and although extremely detailed, only gel pens did not pop enouph for the art to look interesting, As recommended I used markers to add contrast but this took away a lot of the detail and almost ruined my whole plan. To fix this I went over it again in gel pens and cleamned up the edges, as recommended by peers with feedback.