Donate Life

Reach Out

Acrylic paint and black marker

Sketch idea 

Artist Statment

Ideas: I choose to create a cartoon-like person because it was in my range of comfort difficulty wise and I also wanted to create a visual of someone reaching out or connecting with a heart to connect to the theme. My final design included someone reaching out to a heart, this represents someone reaching out to help someone out. In other words, they are reaching for the life of health of someone else.  I liked this connection because it shows the responsibility and honor of the person who participates in organ and tissue donation.

Material: I choose to use acrylic paints as my main material because I have used acrylic a lot and I felt that it would fit with my theme of a cartoon character, this way the colors would be smoother and easier to work with. I used a graphite pencil to sketch my idea and my final outline on canvas paper. I used canvas as it was recommended to use with acrylic paint. Finally, I used a black marker because then the words would stand out, and this is important because the message is the most important thing.

 Process:  Other than watching the videos in class on the project I didn't do much research, of course, I did look up the guidelines to help me know what I should create. My old paintings are when ended up inspiring the art and that is how I ended up making a sketch. I experimented with the actual art and decided that it would be best to make the person be facing sideways instead of getting a view of the back, a big difference between my sketch and the final product. The only other change I faced during the process was when I decided that I would have the person be reaching for a heart instead of transferring energy, I liked both ideas but the energy would affect the words. When it came to the wording I wrote out the sentence on google docs a couple of times to find the right wording and make sure all the spelling was correct, then sketched it out in pencil and wrote over it in marker.