Paper Sculpture



9" x 6" x  7"



9" x 6" x 7"


Idea Generation

Pencil on paper

The idea of this art was to capture a specific word. This word was a single word that we used to descibe our first semester of the school year, my word was "endless".

The materials I used for this sculpture was the paper provided and for the parts that needed to be stuck together, I used a gluestick so the adhesive did not show.

I learned a new technique of cutting paper with hole punchers and exato knives which really helped me art come alive and also separated my design from that actual product which I believe to be more complex, interesting to look at, and represents my word. I also got to learn a new skill of taking a picture of my art with shadows. As you can see in my two pictures I played around with how the sculpture was sitting and where the light was hitting it to show the viewer the complexity and depth of the sculpture.