The Gem Spires

Massive crystals jut out of the Blastlands forming a towering crystalline labyrinth that pushes ever outward. Moving among the crystals travelers tell of an all-encompassing resonance that disrupts the mind and body.


The Amythene Range. The northern border of the region, the fusing together of crystals forming mountainous shards. The purple hue of the formations coming from the last sifting blue light of Saph-Luna meeting the red light of Sang-Lune.

The Ebon Rampart. An expanse of blackened crystal along the east of the region, creating a border of razor sharp formations that still pierced upon them are countless victims. The deadly nature of the landscape that much of the crystal grows imperceivably thin, most creatures driving themselves onto the crystalline needles, and to their demise.

The Shardfall. The southern reach of the Gem Spires, where the continual crystalline growths spill over into the chasm of the Ora in a brilliant and beautiful cascade.

Roads and Landmarks

The Void Minaret. Thought to tower above other formations, this crystalline spire is starkly translucent, and none have observed its exact boundaries. Witnesses are only able to describe a negation of space, a thing that should be present.


The violent patterns of crystalline growth make sustained settlements in the region an impossibility.

Ruins and Subterrane

In the Depths beneath the Gem Spires is the origin of their creation. A region spanning singular formation of crystal known as the Cluster. The rampant growth jutting ever upward, driven by forces unfathomable and all the more dangerous due to its ever erupting nature in recreating whole landscapes.

Qy'thenkyissug. Entombed within a massive formation of crystal, the ruins have been sealed away from contact for millennia, none know what horrific knowledge they hold.

Zrostur. Suspended above a field of resonant crystals, this eldritch ruin defies understanding. Acting as a focus of the harmonic energy, many who have claimed to hear the dolorous hum tell of a terrible creeping madness that follows.