
Greater Servitors

As aspects of that which spawned them...

Lesser Servitors

Vestiges of ...

Greater Thralls

Lesser Thralls

Death Thrall

Born from panic, despair, and pain. A death thrall is the true terror of the Outer Realms made manifest in the world. When a creature is slain by an aberrant entity or meets their end through eldritch madness its death grants the most horrific of rebirths. The emotions of the dying are like that of the elements, where manic thought and primal rage remake a creature into a nightmarish reality. The psychic backlash of death spawning horrors beyond what can be known. The death thrall is an ever present danger to those who dare to enter the ruins of the eldritch, as one ally can fall, leading to the end of all.


None are certain of the origins of the eldwhale, whether they diverged from other whales, or formed from whales having dwelled in the deeps and touched by eldritch energies. The fins of an eldwhale is marred by strips of flesh that act as grasping tentacles. The body is dotted with milky-white eyes that are said to grant the whale knowing magics. For eldwhales know the passage and departing of all that enters their waters. The sight of eldwhales by vessels is one of grim favor, the creature may ward off any other horror that may stalk the ship, or the eldwhale merely wait till an offering of the crew is made. Waiting to take what is given down into the blackness of Kyme's oceans.


Thrumming with alien energies in their crystalline bodies, the qythaadlos move with an eerie agility. Each movement seeming to fold in upon the facets of their form. Vaguely humanoid in shape with near-avian features, its visage marked by a single void-black eye. Any that a qythaadlos' eye falls upon is said to suffer a splitting madness and become corrupted, growing tumorous crystals from their body. 

Holding host in ruins infested with clusters of mutated crystals the qythaadlos seek to commune with their progenitor. As the number of qythaadlos gathered increases, they can begin to cause a maddening resonance in the terrain. Where anything that might enter suffers from these otherworldly vibrations, causing a creature to become unsettled or even deep psychic sufferings.



Drifting in the oceans beneath the world, slurggith cling to the surface waters like an iridescent scab. Amorphous in form, when it encounters prey it will sprout spined tendrils and a pulsating eye. Parasitic in its methods of devouring a creature, it will force its way into an orifice and leech the victim from within. Swarms of slurggith have been found aboard vessels, as their catatonic humanoid prey suddenly sprout and eye from their mouths and flee once more into the inky waters. 

Slurggith maintain a predatory cunning and will hide within the bodies of marine creatures waiting to ambush anything unfortunate to approach. It is unknown from what the slurggith spawn, but are seen as a fell sign of the horrors of the Elder Ones that dwell in depths unknown.


Uverl'serr'oth (Vesselic Horror)

Pervading the whole of the world, for an uverl'serr'oth will seek to devour any it deems worthy of its hunger. Though appearing as a strange bag of woven leather, as the creature makes its will known, an eye of deep amber color will appear. A mouth lined with saw-like teeth yawns open as tendrils lash out to take in creature and object alike. The undulating body of an uverl'serr'oth is thought to connect to some extra-dimensional space, where they collect and consume at will. Scholars of eldritch knowledge believe these creatures were used by cults of the Elder Ones to carry innumerable offerings for sacrifice to their unknowable gods.
