
Kin of the Fae


These fae spirits are drawn into being to serve the Faeweald as protectors and interlopers on the Prime. Often slight in stature, faerie attend to the interactions of mortals with places, objects, or emotions. A pixie is as likely to help a child lost in the forest, as it is to lure a child away so it might never leave the forest. A careless traveler might spill a barrel of tar off her wagon, forever befouling the ground, causing a bogle to form so every traveler hence is made to be more wary. A bruni amused by a family's garden plot may choose to stay and secretly help the garden grow each night. 


Fae born from the forces of nature and the primality of beasts, with the influence of the spiriting magics of the Faeweald. Fae creatures such as this are the most secretive and fearsome of the fae. A dryad will lay dormant in a tree for centuries awaiting the day they must defend it from the forester's axe. The hunted beast, struck by spear and arrow, yet able to escape may become a hollower, a fae of bestial vengeance. As winds whip across the trees a sylph will float along collecting seeds to they might plant them atop the highest peaks of the Faeweald. 


The humanoid-like folk of the fae, these beings pursue dealings and meddle in the affairs of mortals. Fae such as these have profoundly shaped Kyme, namely the elves whose fae ancestry still mark them as apart from the other peoples of the world. A troupe of satyrs might lace a town's well with fae imbibements, causing its residents to fall into maddening revelry. Most grievous of fae, hags will ensnare mortals in their foul bargains as they wander the Prime sowing misery and evoking scorn in all those they cross. The ardorasti seek the frenzied adoration of mortals, disguising themselves as the most enchanting of suitors. 


Fae of wild beauty



A catlpukk is a fae of artful cunning that will lure travelers with intoxicating scents and mesmerizing phosphorescence. Holding court as petty tyrants of forest groves, catlpukks are often sought for their wisdom in the bewildering dealings of the fae. If they are displeased with a visitor these fae will metamorphose their victims, turning them into mindless servants to carry on their feuds with other catlpukk.