Planes of Existence in Kyme

Planes of the Multiverse

The Prime

     The focus of all law and chaos, evil and good in the multiverse joining in creating the world where they interplay in creating a balance.

Prime Echoes

The Faeweald

     An echo of the Prime, a realm of surreality and unfettered moods, where the landscape reflects a heightened state of being, all things enlivened with a spirit. The Faeweald is inhabited by sylvan creatures and from where the fae spirits of the elves emerged, and to where countless Elves retreated in the Age of Fire, fleeing the dragons. Their brethren left behind at the mercy of draconic tyranny. Those that venture to the Faeweald rarely return, and those that have, say no elves dwell there. The Faemark on Kyme is a whole region touched by the power of the Faeweald, many of the same dangers lie within.

The Ascendant Archfae of the Faeweald

Isihmae The Matron of the Moons. A sylph of magnificent power, one of the Alyph of the Skies, she appears as a voluminous elven woman with skin like that of windswept moonlight and berobed in twilight clouds. She dreamt the countless moons of the Faeweald into being when the echo of the prime first formed. As a mother guides a child, so too does Isihmae guide her moons across the skies of the Faeweald creating echoes of time in twilight and dawn. She is attended by leppyd, the moth-like faeries who tell her of the wishes of those within her realm, and those beyond.

Wyldenwyr, One of the Lords of the Wild Hunt, The Wulfen Prince. Was in ancient of days an elven hunter that was rivaled only by the great alphas of the lycan packs, yet he chose to steal the secret of the lycans power. He is now cursed to be ever hunting the wilds, yet never able to take his quarry. Always he must ask to share in others kills.

Yavnandyr The Deathless Dreamer. An elven king that once ruled over a city of crystal within the Gem Spires. He attempted to flee to the Faeweald as the dragons came to bring upon the world the Age of Fire. Yet he was trapped upon his throne as the halls crashed around him. Though in time he began to hear a haunting resonance, seeing refracted in the crystal of his now broken hall the visions of his kin dying, he fed upon these terrible sights knowing only the pain, sadness and darkness to which his people were now resigned. Within his hall of shattered crystal he awaits the final dream of the elves.

Kyltskin The Dark Weaver. The most feared of bogeyman that haunts all the shadows created by man. Beneath beds, in cellars and attics, he is the one that haunts the dark and feasts on the fear of those he and his minions terrify. Tales tell of a palace of cloth black as pitch where he sows together a tapestry of nightmares to unleash upon his victims.

The Shadowvale

     The shadow of the Prime, a place leached of all life and light, the terrain tortured by the absolute dark that grips even the heart of beings that dwell in the gloom. The denizens of the Shadowvale are those who came to be utterly lost in the darkness of the Prime, the darkness corrupting their form. Beings that inhabit the Shadowvale lose all connection and spirit that they once possessed, the most pious of acolytes turning to most of cynic of apostates, the most ravenous of monstrosities willingly starves. Those who would dare pass into the Shadowvale willingly, if found on the Prime once more are only husks of beings. The darkness that pervades the Shadowed Passes is said to be the passages to the Shadowvale, and that whole mountains are at once on the Prime and the Shadowvale beyond it.

Planes of the Elements

    All the elements of creation that form the world stem from the balance of elemental chaos and order. The creative and destructive forces in the world are an echo of that same power that created the Prime and all other things in the multiverse. Each elemental plane is where the perfect form of each element is created, in one it is remade, and in another, destroyed, and this eternal cycle of balance sustains all of reality.

The Elemental Plane of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth

The Upper Planes

The Golden Strongholds of Hasgardum ruled by Achonus

    A plane of vaulted heroes and a warrior's honor rules, each day righteous battle taking the valleys and fields and each night the most bold of tales and bountiful of feasts fill the halls of legend. The celestial beings that guard the plane are the Aesir and Valkyrie, the spirits of ascended heroes. The Promethi, the bearers of Achonus' Holy Flame. Angels serve as warriors and sentinels.

Urionel, the Highest Flame of Achonus. The grandest of the high Alhim angels they command the Incinerant Host. The armies of Promethi, these celestial warriors of perfect golden armor wreathed in divine white flame wield in their four arms two spears to bring fiery justice, and shields to protect in the endless wars.

Hasandark, Warmaster of the Aesir. He is the most exalted of commanders of the Golden Strongholds and greatest recounter of tales of Kyme's heroes from all the Ages. Riding to battle on a chariot drawn by a herd of stallions, carrying with him an arsenal of every weapon known to the worlds. Many believe each swing of a sword against dueling foes and each arrow loosed upon an enemy draws the eye of Hasandark.

Mercya, Warrior of a Thousand Wings. The fleetest of the multiverse's beings, she is the Warcaller of the Valkyrie and healer of the fallen. Beleaguered soldiers often call to her in their most desperate of hours, imploring her aid and beneficence.

The Eternal Etched Mountains of Creation ruled by Dilig

    A plane of unending mountains perfect in form, the order of the multiverse immeasurably inscribed into the peaks that hold Dilig's divine creations. The celestial beings that dwell on the plane are the Titanum that guard the mountains tasked them. Khalkeus, the divine constructs of Dilig. Angels work as artisans and wrights.

Alphar and Omegus, the Twinning Khalkeus. Titans of metal beyond measure rising above the mountains, it is their strikes upon the summits that keep the flawless order of time's march.

Duovehim, the Archancrafter. The prime Alhim angel of Dilig, they who is the first to bear witness to the endless craft wrought from the godly essence, and choosing that which to impart as inspiration for industrious mortals. Their visage is said to be that of a burly and aged being with brilliant copper skin and wings of iron. Known as the most stoic and strongest of beings in the multiverse.

Hamar, the Mother of Merchants. The most delighted of the Titanum, she serves as the bringer of joyous works for all the angels that serve her as artisans. She is shown reverence by all mortals who take passion from their creations and who share in those works. Often sought to show favor when a bargain is struck or a trade is made for many worshippers of Dilig.

The Verdant Expanse of the Wyldlands ruled by Domuq

    A plane of the purest essence of the wilderness, endless forests, sweeping plains, deep jungles, all the realm an embodiment of nature's beauty and power. The celestial beings that roam the plane are Animuses, the pure fertile essence of animal being. Gaeapha, the leviathans of disasters and wonders. Angels are tenders and shepherds.

Holoviel, the Sower of Ways. One of the Alhim angels, they are ever in search through the wilds for the bounty of Domuq, ever-wreathed in a seeding cloak that leaves a trail of verdant growth as they pass. A favored patron of the explorers of the wilds.

Saphra the Moonspirit. She is a Gaeapha, her fierceness is such as if with each passage into night she is avenging the day that had been, said to look down upon the world from Saph-Luna. She guides many through the darkest of night and is said to appear as titanic beasts made of moonlight.

The Beast of Beasts. First among the Animuse,  it is the one in all beasts and all beasts in one. Roaming the Wyldlands on an unending hunt for those anything it would find worthy, many say that its hunts brings it to the Prime for the rarest of quarry. Hunters pray to this being so they might share in its cunning.

The Athenaeum of Eternity in Arcadia ruled by Litencia

    A plane of infinite thought and truest writing, a library ever expanding and shifting with the collection of all knowledge and wisdom curated by Litencia. The celestial beings that reside on the plane are the Aquilla, divine avian creatures that usher pages throughout. The Volumnor, the spirit form of words and runes most ancient and powerful. Angels are messengers and scribes.

Naometa, the Boundless Scribe. One of the highest Alhim angels of Litencia, she dispatches the spark of knowledge to those who seek wisdom in tomes and manuscripts. Many say when a book opens to the exact page needed, Naometa's hand hath turned the page.

Vomorlthim the Ceasing Voice. The most feared of the Volumnor, as it is the name of death's wish. Those who pray for the death of others invoke this being.

Libistrigil the Pagewinged. Most wise and knowledgeable of the Aquilla, it is known to appear like that of a colossal wizened owl, each feather of paper and ink containing volumes upon volumes. Serves as a patron to those who burn the midnight oil long in study, or those who seek to know the spells most sought by practitioners of the arcane.

The Blessed Halls of Elysiorum ruled by Soel

    A plane of alabaster halls, reverent and joyous, replete with the spirits of those passed not promised to the other gods, where Soel's lasting embrace comes to all. The celestial beings that watch the plane are the Silent Sororitus, spirits that minister to the souls of the dead. The Intercessiora or Shrouded Host are those that usher the dead from the Prime to Elysiorum or to the other planes the soul is promised to. Angels are guardians and arbiters.

Ahdiriel the Promised. The highest of the Shrouded Host, they and their chosen Intercessiora might enter the clutches of the most dread of the Lower Planes to deliver souls unto salvation should they receive such judgement. They are said to use the shrouded bindings that surround them to restrain the most ferocious of fiends when forced to combat for a soul's release.

The Trialing Choir. A sect of the Silent Sororitus that lend their voices solely to the comfort and advocation of souls entering the afterlife. This host of ascendant spirits sing the "Song of Recalling" to make known the deeds of the soul in mortal life. Mortals often seek the recognition of these spirits, and will invoke them when they feel they have acted for good.

The Lower Planes

The Dread Inferno of the Hells ruled by Malceth

    The realms of diabolical creatures that snare the souls of beings on the Prime, causing many to betray their immortal soul and transgress others. Souls ushered to The Hells face judgement and are consigned to one of its nine circles.

    Minoxe of Limbo the First Circle. The halls of judgement ruled by Minoxe, an immense archdevil with a mocking silver crown embedded in the forehead, nine hands that branch from the two arms, each hand condemning a soul to one of the circles of the Hells.

    Vulvenus of Lust the Second Circle. A writhing mass of unmet climax teased by inccubi and succubi having ensnared the souls, overseen by Vulvenus a hermaphroditic archdevil of twisted pleasure and malice.

    Kaerberos of Gluttony the Third Circle. A feculent and joyous place where cannibalistic madness grips the mind, ruled over by Kaerberos, a starved canid like archdevil of gnashing teeth.

    Olikgarst of Greed the Fourth Circle. A place of opulent mockery, with mobs of thieving and hoarding factions, ruled over by Olikgarst, a corpulent archdevil, laden with golden finery.

    Phlegistopholes of Anger the Fifth Circle. A place of searing aimless rage, boiling magma and blackened flame chokes the soul till nothing remains, ruled by Phlegistopholes, an ashen archdevil of a quiet demeanor, but when a fit of rage takes him all the Hells quake.

    Ghelzabuul and Ghivileen of Heresy the Sixth Circle. A place profaned by derision of the immortal soul, where those who scorn or mock the gods are forced to honor them in a sickly theatre of the damned, all the countless souls players. Ruled by twin archdevil lovers Ghelzabuul and Ghivileen, who the rest of the archdevils revile.

    Vellond of Violence the Seventh Circle. Dominated by the City of Dis a twisted city of burning metal, boiling blood, and biting shadow. Ruled by Vellond, an archdevil slender in appearance with a shroud of chains, a cruel taskmaster, the driver of souls and marshal of the machines of Infernal War.

    Divisees of Fraud the Eighth Circle. The circle of duplicity and perfect memory, where each soul is locked within the reality of all lies becoming truth. Ruled by Divisees, an archdevil of innumerable faces and Malceth's greatest servant to her schemes.

    Treachery the Ninth Circle. A desolate realm of frozen blood, lined with silver daggers, each one a marker for those souls having betrayed those closest to them. Here in this realm Malceth's whispers pass on to all who the spark of treachery burns within, turning it to a cold and vile treason.

The Ceaseless Depths of Abyrith ruled by Xzana

    No true realms are contained within The Abyrith only greater demons are able to hold any modicum of brutal order. The plane is the most utter and wretched chaos made real, the myriad of twisted nature and vile beings that dwell upon it are each a terrible aspect of the power of Xzana to corrupt. Beings slain by the spawn of Xzana or those who embrace her corrupting power, those souls enter the plane to become consumed for all eternity.

Xzana's Chosen Spawn

Inzeka. A vile hive mind that draws all manner of demonically tainted pests and insects into its influence, becoming an all-consuming swarm that tears swaths across the plane. Worshippers of this demonic entity live with vermin and allow themselves to be fed upon by swarms of flies, ticks, or worse yet in order to join closer their mind to their lord's.

    The Widowzeer. An alluring human-arachnid demonette that lazily entreats souls into her unknowable snares. Mortals who seek to know their futures and seek to undo their foreseen fate often fall under her demonic influence.

    The Demogorgon. A primal and insatiable simian-like demonic force, with tearing tendril limbs that roams with a sickening savagery unknown anywhere else within the multiverse. Those who seek power and care not from whence it came can often find themselves at the mercy of their own savage desires made manifest by this demon's uncontrollable power. 

    Griz'mateh. A greater demon of a terrible and violent elegance that presents a snide decorum for such an entity, oozing charm and inviting excess. Those who engage in the most inhuman of degradations yet dress up such crimes as frivolities serve willingly or unwillingly this demon's ends.

    Puubex. A slothful demonic titan, its form like that of a colossal human child with folds of fat pressing against matted hair, that once awoken its frenzied cries invokes a raging madness to any that hear driving them into a cannibalistic orgy. Fitful adolescents and tantrum ridden babies that bring just a moment of murderous rage to their caretakers are all in the cycle of worship for this demon as much as the lazy and the wretched.

The Wasting Decay of Miasmuul ruled by Plagus

    An expanse of fetid gardens with pustule spores and tumorous trees marked by cancerous bile sap, the air inducing a fevering madness and causing flesh to decay. The Realms holds no fiends, only the massive microbial life of fiendish viruses and bacterium. Those beings that fall victim to these diseases come under the influence of Plagus and embraced as his children.

Afflicted of Plagus

Malar the First Affliction. The name given to that which is believed to have been first created by the essence of Plagus. A creature of collective cunning that is the most insidious and invisible of threats. It is only whispered of in the highest circles of the Fevering, the cult of Plagus. This entity is thought to live within each and every thing in the multiverse.

Slostha the Floodnurse. A titan of elemental water turned septic by the power of Plagus. She now befouls the Plane of Miasmuul with a choking humidity of milky mists and spawning pools for the most wretched of the fiendish creatures that call the plane their home. She is seen by those worshippers of plague and madness as a motherly source of the gifts of diseases brought on by drinking from spoiled sources. As so many of such illnesses force the drinker to "give back" what they had taken from her.

The Poxscaled. Spawned upon the prime in a rare union of a copper and green dragon, the minions of Miasmuul absconded with the egg and returned to Plagus' plane where the egg could be corrupted by the sickening madness. As the dragon was born a whole host of vile diseases was placed upon its scales to nurture, and as it grew each new bulbous scale began to hold a new pox it might bestow on its victims when it breaches once more onto the prime. The Poxscaled now rules over its lair within Miasmuul as a king that shares their "gifts" with each and every subject and visitor.

Anibekhan of the Fever Inferna. Once a devil of ascendant power, he sought that which could burn away even at a devil's skin. Yet he knew not the power he had invoked, as the godly essence of Plagus created with Anibekhan the Fever Inferna, as the Circles of the Hells were assailed by this contagion. Anibekhan fled to Miasmuul and as the eruptive fever burns away at any shred of sanity that might remain still, this once devil now serves the will of Plagus.

Instances of Divine Diseases

Andromeca. The fiendish bacterium created to annihilate the form of that which it infects. Strains of Andromeca have been seeded across the planes over the eons, taking to infect with an immortal and horrific aftermath. Andromeca has caused divine plagues within the upper and lower planes, as celestials and fiends alike can succumb to its power.

Embollex. A huge bacterial-like fiend, it will invoke an aerating disease in those within its presence. Gases begins to buildup in the body such that a diseased creature will float about as the embollex does before bursting.

Incablossa. A viral fiend that propagates ferociously, one incablossa can infect a host, and within hours, they are changed into an incablossa that can further propagate. Incablossa are difficult to target with most spells, as by their nature they are not creatures.

The Dark Illusions of Anguicall ruled by Sakorith

    A realm of torturous lies made into reality, where every eventually of failure and loss are made real. The realm holds nothing but lies, as Sakorith is a deliverer of souls thought meant for other planes only to be plucked at the last moment to suffer damnation. Daeva, the fiends of Sakorith, take on the forms of other entities, often celestials, in order to lead souls along with illusion and deceit. Mortals that hear the lies of a daeva are led astray as they carry on the lies into the mortal realms, causing other to fall to the daeva. When the mortal meets their end, they find the soft guiding voice has ushered them unto torture unending.

The High Daeva of Anguicall

Rahnva of Seven Whispers, Keeper of the Dark Doors. In Anguicall the plane of Sakorith, this daeva reigns as one whose seven faces utter the hushed truths of the plane's illusions. A guide for daeva and souls alike. Ranhva with each of their sevens of seven hands can allow the doorways of the plane to open, yet as their keeper they will exact whatever cost they deem for passage. Though one can ever truly know whether this cost shall lead to salvation or damnation.

Imgones They Who Call to Drink.  A daeva swarmed in scarlet vestments of billowing flesh, covering the hundreds of mouths that open across its slender body with eyes like blackened glass rimmed in gold. Has been said to have descended to the prime taking the guise of humanoid spiritual leaders in order to lead astray and isolate the faithful. As the scheme culminates, Imgones is typified in its favored form of its victims' destruction. They will begin to seed an apocalyptic paranoia in those that follow it, and are then called to partake in communal suicide by partaking in a drink poisoned by the tongues of this maniacal daeva.

Bás the Sun Eater and The Celestial Pretender. A vain daeva that shines with a beneficence like that of some celestial titan. Those that seek to gain his favor and knowledge offer all manner of supplication and sacrifices. For those blind to its true form they bear witness to a near angelic humanoid with a conical flower of white light unfolding behind them. Yet, beyond this illusion, the celestial body is but a lure, as the floral mouth yawns open to swallow any pulled into his radiance. He hungers for secrets to add to his collection, and particularly preys on acolytes of the Lighted Path, as the nectar of a fallen soul is most sweet to him.

The Silent Terror of The Tombs ruled by Draumah

    An eternal maze of graven stone and fathomless darkness. The undead of the Prime are bound to this plane to suffer the endless entombment and silence of undeath unending. Eight Undying Princes serve Draumah within his realm, each a supreme form of undeath from which all other arise. Their names and power merely whispered of on the prime.

Eight Undying Princes

Arkhoul the Rotskinner. Formed of a horde of ravenous ghouls and zombies, they seek only to consume all the souls that fall into the Necropolis of Fleshmarch, adding them to its horde. Behind the gnawing hunger of each of the Prime's rotting undead is said to be the will of Arkhoul.

Ossuend the Skeletal Seeker. A maelstrom of marrow and malice, the bones that encompass them have been gathered from across the multiverse. Always adding to its collection in the Charnel Necropolis, Ossuend uses the bones to act as the seer of Draumah. Casting the bones to divine the schemes and causes of those that would undermine the tyranny of Draumah, many on the Prime unwittingly invoke this Undying Prince hearing the fall of the bones echo across the planes.

Etheraeth the Phantom Empress. Unrivaled in her hate and sorrow, her mortal form taken from the Prime as the planes were formed. Forever severed from the one she loved, she now seeks to possess a body once more so that she might feel again what it is to be in the arms of another. Yet  only ghastly spirits gather in her harrowing presence in the Necropolis of the Haunted, vexing her and only serves to drive her into a deeper melancholy as her court of phantoms grow.

Nephritept The Bound Priestess. Once chosen amongst her people, Nephritept was vaulted as a divine messenger. Though she knew not that it was the whispers of Draumah's power that she exhorted. The fervor of the masses was such that they followed the demand of her rituals, to preserve her people in their perfection. A foul curse first uttered by Nephritept as she awoke in her mummified undeath within the Sarcophagi Necropolis bound to Draumah. A curse now shared by all those who perform the rites of Nephritept upon their burial. 

Krombarrow The Wight-Wanderer. A warrior that had cut a swath across the prime, each death at his hands fed Krombarrow as his death never came. Only his blade could spare him the pain of his undeath, each soul he devoured swung back the pendulum on his existence. Though a tyrant of his own making, it is the tyranny of undeath and Draumah's control he fell to, as he was chosen to hold the Necropolis of Execution. Where Krombarrow waits for a foe that might free him from his pain.

The Ultumbra. The first among the Undying Princes, the darkness of the plane birthed by Ultumbra as it gathered to it souls that were consumed by darkness. The fear of the dark is innate in all, but the darkness of a soul is made manifest by the power of Ultumbra, creating malevolent shadows that seek to devour and grow the darkness of their lord. Within the Necropolis of Tenebre shadows gnaw at even other undead, seeking to consume anything that can make the darkness all the more pervading.

Vhesma the Lich Mother. In ancient of days she was a healer when first she learned the fell secret to devouring souls. Her own failing body her focus as she unknowingly invoked Draumah's power, consuming the souls of her village and that of her own child. Draumah's will made known to her and the promise of undeath fulfilled, she scoured the planes for the soul of her child and came to bear the esoteric secrets of the aether. She now languishes within her sanctum the Reliquaris Necropolis where she continues to sever her soul in attempts to reclaim what she lost. Entreating with her secrets any spellcaster seeking ascension to lichdom. She is said to have billions of billions of reliquaries hidden across the planes.

Dravdin Nosferaht The First Fang. Upon the Prime in the most ancient of days a man and a woman entered a cave and became trapped within. Such was their thirst that they began to bleed one another, but knowing it would not sustain them, she chose to give all she could. Draumah's would then never allow his thirst to be slated as an immortal thirst became him. Thus Dravdin Nosferaht became the first vampire. The Sanguinary Necropolis now lay empty as the risk on the Prime falling to the corruption of the Far Realms drove Dravdin to come to the prime in aspect, to allow humans to endure. He never wished to see his people extinguished from the world.

The Outer Realms

    A place beyond the reality of the multiverse, all of that which is alien and beyond that defies comprehension. To have even approximate knowledge is to accept the madness and horror of The Outer Realms. Those that dwell in this realm are known as Great Old Ones, Elder Ones, or Outer Gods. Beings of vastly unknowable forms and unfathomable lingering power. Utterly alien, they are the unanswerable blasphemy to all of reality.

The Outer Realms is an ever-invading influence across reality, and breaches to the Outer Realms form and close. Invading from these breaches come just the infinitesimal denizens of a realm of boundless horrors, their motives unknowable only that where a crossing takes place corruption follows.