Gaunt Vaults

A labyrinth of sprawling caverns that through the Ages has proved impassible for the most intrepid of wayfinders and expedition forces. The choked passages and tenebrous tunnels are haunted by the undead of so many a lost traveler in this domain of death. The dwarves have toiled in the darkness to extract what spoils they can, but losses of life and wealth are horrific as if the stone wills it.


The Cragthroat. Where once the region's labyrinthine tunnels met the abyssal chasms of the Hated Sheer, now the violent tectonic spasms of the Earth Divide create a ebbing tide of gravel. Many who dare travel near it claim that the caves are being chewed up and spewed forth again by the Plane of Elemental Earth. The stonespeakers of the dwarves telling that so much of Kyme has become corrupted by undeath's plague and eldritch energies that even the stone itself is no longer as it should be.

The Hiving Halls. Where the Gnathaxive pushes into the choked and forsaken tunnels that not even these parasitic wretches might find their way through.

The Mage Mines. As the Chaos Bleed warps everything surrounding it dwarves that are either brave or mad enough seek to find new forms of stone reshaped by the raw magic.

The Tephran Beds. At the south eastern reach of the region where it meets the Throne of Ash and the Fire Divide where the rock is heated to create a range of continual explosions of rock shards.

The Steps of Strangers. All along the edge of the Somberhome are the paths of stone worn smooth by the countless footfalls that have passed over them. Roving undead tirelessly walking the paths, pacified by the effects of the Somberhome until once again driven back into the tunnels.

The Stygian Crawl. A name given to the dead passages between the Throne of Ash and the Somberhome.

Roads and Landmarks

The Carvenline. A singular tunnel hewn from east to west across the region leading from Ashmark in the Throne of Ash to Otdestuit at the far western edge. Cut through the various tunnels and fissures that lead off the straightened course of this marvel of dwarven endeavor.

The Pilgrim Scripts. Lining innumerable passages and tunnels are the failed attempts of Synstasian wayfinders to chart paths through the terrain. Whether costly leaden-inks to create guiding messages, or primitive scratches of the hopelessly lost, they serve only to warn those who find them that they are not alone in their uncertainty of the path ahead.


Gravasinne. A dwarven kingdom that still holds since ancient days to the darkness of the Stygian Crawl. The populace were stalwart in their efforts to push beyond where their kin dared. Albinism has taken the populace as they living beneath the Ebonkarst have been unable to seek the world above, and have thereby chosen to forsake it.

Ruins and Subterrane

Osthelphi. An ancient city at the southern edge of the Mage Mines where a mythic human figure known as the "King of Seers" held against the Eldritch Realms that spread over the world in the Age of Water.