Maps of Kyme

The Cosmological Map of Kyme

The elements and history of Kyme have shaped the surface of the world into staggering forms and variations. The arcanic faction of Arkyme measure the world at near 30,000 miles in circumference. The scholars and sages of The Unshattered Orrery in Arkyme are the authority on the cosmological and geographical study of Kyme. The moons and celestial bodies that fill the sky of Kyme are guides for the sages in understanding the forces that shaped and continue to shape Kyme.

The Lighted is the star that grants light upon Kyme positioned on the southern axis and is in a continual state of eclipse from a currently unknown celestial phenomena known as the Eculus, uncertain whether a unobservable moon or a dark core of the Lighted. This eclipse of light blankets the southern hemisphere in an eternal twilight. The moon called Sang-Lune that orbits the southern hemisphere is red-shifted and cragged in appearance and in its orbit shades the northern hemisphere as it passes in daily cycles.

The Shadowed is another celestial body that is fixed on the northern axis of Kyme, measured by the Orrery as nearly ten times that of Kyme. Reminiscent of a black pearl the Shadowed and its effects on Kyme are ill understood, only that the elemental forces of the Rimehold balances or contains these effects. Orbiting the northern hemisphere is the blue-shifted moon Saph-Luna, finely edged and faceted, that gives a gentle yet bright moonlight when night comes over the northern hemisphere.

The city of Arkyme orbits the Elemental Divide from over a mile above Kyme going from East to West. Sustained by the arcane, the city passes over each elemental region over a 3 month span. These apportioned times are tied to the arcane and the element over which the city finds itself. They are known as the ascendance and descendance of said element. When an element is ascending the arcane associated with the element grows in power, and thusly descends to pass to the next ascendant element. The pinnacle of the ascendant power is an important time of study and celebration in Arkyme.

It is theorized by the sages and scholars of the Unshattered Orrery that Kyme is held between the force of the Shadowed and the Lighted which are on fixed orbits causing much of the geographical and environmental phenomena that occurs on Kyme. The orbits of the moons occur in 24 hour spans of time giving both night and day to the northern hemisphere. Sang-Lune orbits from East to West while Saph-Luna orbits from West to East.

The Map of Kyme's Regions

High Resolution Map can be found here.

Please refer to the Regional Subpages divided by Hemisphere for more information on settlements and geographical features

The Map of Kyme's Depths

High Resolution Map can be found here.